Chapter Twelve

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Peter woke up before Luna he couldn't help but gaze at her wondering how he got so lucky, part of him wondering if this was all a dream. She was smart, loving, beautiful and she loved him back. After last night he felt more protective of her. He always felt she was his responsibility but now she truly was his and he was hers. He daydreamed about a life outside of these walls. Never before had he wanted a so-called apple-pie life but then again anything was better than this place. He knew she dreamed of a small house out in the middle of nowhere surrounded by trees and nature and maybe a dog or two. Someplace she could truly call home. A few years ago, he would have called it boring or simple but now all he wanted was to see her happy.

Luna began to stir blinking a few times to clear her vision and for the first time in months she felt truly rested. She smiled looking up at peter.

"G'morning" she said in a sleepy voice.

"Morning sleepyhead how'd you sleep?"

"Better than I have in a while"

"Guess I tired you out last night then" he said playfully.

"Peter!" She blushed smacking his chest. He chuckled pulling her closer.

"I had a nice dream" she said.

"Oh yeah what'd you dream about?"

"Us away from this place. We had a cat. We were happy."

He felt his chest tighten as rage bubbled up, he hated Papa for taking their lives from them he attempted to push the thoughts to the back of his mind for now.

"I thought you wanted a dog" he questioned

"I do I never really liked cats but this one was quite cute. It was scruffy little ginger kitten" she replied and then her face fell as she remembered that it could never happen. Not while they were still locked in this damned place. "It was only a dream anyway" she said trying to change the subject. He took the hint "Listen Luna, we need to get our stories straight for when Papa comes to question us"

Her eye widened in panic and she sat up "shit Peter I forgot. How could I forget? I'm so stupid".

"Hey no don't do that you're not stupid it's ok to allow yourself to be happy for a bit. Here's what we say I was called out of the room and they intimidated you bullying you and destroying your sketch. You attempted to diffuse the situation but they attacked you and I got injured. You were scared they would attack again you attempted to subdue them until help arrived. Most of that's true anyway and he responded to the call button himself."

"You think Papa would believe that?" she asked unsure.

"I don't think he has a choice. You've done everything he asked my love I don't think he'll question it".

"That's new" Luna stated with a smile.

"What is?"

"You called me your love"

"I guess I did"

"I like it"

"I can tell."


"You're blushing"

She tried to hide her face with the bed covers embarrassed. He laughed pulling them away.

"You should know I think you are adorable when you're flustered" he said before starting to tickle her she squealed and squirmed trying to get away from him it was no use physically he was much stronger than she was.

He relented eventually now on top of her both breathing heavily from the struggle. They admired each other for a minute before he leaned down kissing her passionately, they were so wrapped up their own world that they didn't hear the door being tried or the jangle of keys on the other side they only heard sound of the door opening. Peter jumped off Luna before throwing shirt on as quickly as he could.

"Peter, Zero we need to talk about yesterday and discuss this" Papa said gesturing between the two of them.

They both nodded. "Make yourselves presentable come to my office in an hour."

A/N: If there's any errors I'm sorry I just finished writing this and it's like half three in the morning. Thanks for reading this far feedback is always welcome also the there will be a title change soon.
Next update coming either late tonight or tomorrow 😊

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