Chapter Sixteen

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Luna sat beside Peter as they removed and replaced the implant trying to distract him as best she could. She was angry were they really so afraid of him that they'd have let him die before taking it out or was Papa just trying to scare her? She couldn't think straight she was exhausted seeing Peter so unwell and vulnerable was awful and she couldn't get the flashes of what had happened out of her head. She rested her head on the bed leaning over from her chair and quickly fell asleep.

A few days went by and finally they were allowed back to their rooms. Peter was still weak and under orders to rest. Luna was tense body filled with negative energy begging for a release she had never felt this close to losing it.

"Talk to me love what's bothering you"

"Bothering me? Seriously? I watched you almost die because you were too stubborn to let me get you help!"

"I'm sorry Luna I never meant to put you in that position"

"Yet you did! And Papa wouldn't take that bloody thing out of your neck until he had a replacement. It was like he didn't care he would have let you die!"

"Maybe so"

"That's all you have to say"

"I've been telling you for years he doesn't care! He doesn't matter! I know you wouldn't have let me die"

"That is the problem Peter when he refused to take it out I thought about making him I would have killed every last person to ensure your safety! What does that say about me huh?"

"You know I'd do the same"

"Exactly! How is that healthy? Just sleep Peter I need a few hours to think"

She left his room going back to hers. Papa must have had someone clean it everything was back in its place almost like it never even happened. She sighed running her hand over her face. She didn't like this violence, this rage bubbling up, forcing its way to the surface. She could see things clearly now. Papa didn't care about any of them. He said he'd suspected they'd had a link but if he had known the whole time then he was just pushing her. It was all a test, just one big elaborate plan. He'd weaponized her and her love for Peter from day one. He probably only punished Peter because he knew she'd come running. He knew if the connection grew stronger so would Peter's powers and the implant would fail. That's why he wasn't angry at finding them together he'd been pushing them together for years. How could she be so stupid. Peter had warned her he was just using them but she'd always brushed it off. She felt sick. How could the man who'd said he'd protect her, who he called his daughter do this. She'd given him everything even loved him and Peter had nearly died just so Papa could study them. How far would he go? She needed to get them out of here before one of them ended up dead.

She walked to the sink and splashed water on her face but when she looked up her reflection looked different. She cocked her head in confusion but the reflection didn't move with her it smiled.

"It's ok to be angry you're right he's been manipulating you this whole time I can't believe it took you so long to see it" her reflection spoke. What the hell? I'm probably just hallucinating I'm overtired she reasoned with herself.

"No I assure you I'm quite real. It's been a long time since we last spoke". Now she was creeped out.

"We've never spoken before"

"Don't you remember?"

"Remember what?"

"That's for me to know and you to dot dot dot"

"Stop these games who are you and how are you in my head?"

"Oh, darling don't you know? I'm the better version of you and if you want to get out of here, you'll need me"

"I don't understand"

"All these years suppressing your true self and your true power. So concerned with right and wrong. It's pathetic really. You play the role of the scared little girl hiding behind your one true love without realizing you don't need protection you have enough power to bring this whole damn place down. You could take everyone here out in minutes and end this. Let me help you. I can show you what we are really capable of."

A/N Sorry its so short and for not updating these past few days. I'm struggling with my PTSD at the moment so I haven't been able to focus long enough to write.

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