Chapter Seventeen

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"All these years suppressing your true self and your true power. So concerned with right and wrong. It's pathetic really. You play the role of the scared little girl hiding behind your one true love without realizing you don't need protection you have enough power to bring this whole damn place down. You could take everyone here out in minutes and end this. Let me help you. I can show you what we are really capable of."

Luna was stunned and a little bit scared. "I'm losing it" she whispers shaking her head. She looks back up at the reflection the copy of her still staring waiting for her response. "Why are you here now?" she asks.

"I've always been here you just buried me" the reflection tells her the twisted smirk never leaving her face.

"Then why don't I remember you?"

"Because I've protected you . I am the part of you that you have always been scared of. I've been here since the day you lost control. The gravity of what you'd done and what you'd found out was too much for you to bear. You couldn't handle the guilt and the horror at your actions so all that fear and rage fragmented off and I was born.  I'm some sort of defence mechanism I suppose but then I grew and developed my own consciousness I am you but I am also me"

"What day? You're not making any sense."

"All in good time Luna Lu"

"Don't call me that. Ever"

"Ahh yes sorry forgot how much of a sore spot that is for you. Tell me do you still miss your dear mother?"

"Stop it"

"She gave you away to him she's the reason you're here the reason I'm here. Tell me dear what will you do with your freedom should we get out of this place"

"I haven't thought about it"

"Do you want to leave this place"

"Of course, I do. Peter and I we're not safe here"

"It always comes back to Peter doesn't it"

"What do you mean by that? If you've been here for a while how could I not know? Why can't I remember you?"

"Are you sure you want to remember?"


"Dig a little deeper then"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean? Why are you so goddam cryptic?"

"I'll give you a clue it was the day you found out about your father"

"I don't have a father. Mother said he died before I was born"

"Mommy doesn't always tell the truth Luna Lu neither does your precious Papa"

"Just show me what happened!"

"I can't that bit is up to you, I'll be here to guide you just as I've always been."

"I don't understand" Luna said but the reflection was back to normal and the voice in her head was gone.

I'm going crazy she thought. What did she mean about my father? I've never lost control before that was always Peter. Her head was spinning. She jumped as the alarm went off she was suddenly in Papa's office alarm still blaring and red lights flashing staring down at a letter. The words were blurry she couldn't quite make them out she gasped seeing the blood that was dripping onto page from her nose. She looked up and was immediately horrified four orderlies were strewn around the floor, blood pooling around their bodies from their eyes, ears and mouths she ran over to one of them. He looked to still be breathing and as she got closer she recognized him a young orderly called Sam . He started backing away dragging himself along the floor. She reached out to him realizing her own hands were covered in blood it was warm and sticky she felt sick. "Why?" croaked Sam "Why would you do this to us?". "What?" she asked. Did she do this? She felt like all the oxygen had been sucked out the room her knees gave way and she collapsed to the floor. "No I didn't... No please no" she repeated now sobbing.

"Luna? Luna can you hear me?" that was Peter's voice. "Luna come back to me" he pleaded. The bloody office faded away and Peter face came into view. She was back in her room on her knees sobbing hysterically. She looked down at her hands but they were clean no traces of blood at all.

"I don't understand" she cried.

"Hey it's ok darling your safe it was just an alarm drill"

"But I was..." she trailed off voice shaking.

"Talk to me beautiful. What's going on inside that head of yours" Peter asked gently.

"I don't... I can't" she tried to speak but all that came out were sobs and hiccups. At a loss of what to do Peter pulled the shaking girl into his arms. She responded throwing her arms around him. He shifted her weight readjusting himself so she was in his lap. He felt her tears soak through his white t-shirt as he held her there rocking back and forth slightly stroking her hair softly. "Whatever it is that's upset you my love we will fix it" he said.

They stayed like this for quite some time his legs had gone numb from the cheap floor and her weight on his lap. She finally stopped crying and he pulled back wiping the remaining tears from her swollen face. "This isn't very comfortable how about we go back to bed" he asked. She nodded robotically and stood up. He followed suit shaking his legs to restore circulation. He led her to her bed and pulled the sheets back motioning for her to sit. He went to the small set of draws to look for her pyjamas grabbing a top and bottoms for her. She just stared into to space face blank and her blue eyes dull and empty. When she didn't move to change, he asked "do you want me to help you" she just nodded. He helped her get changed and put her into bed. He pulled off his t-shirt and settled back against the headboard opening his arms to her. She leaned back against him without saying a word. "Talk to me love please you're scaring me" he felt her sniffle before her body began to shake once more and she started to cry again. He didn't know what to do he could feel her despair as if it were his own but had no idea what was causing it. He felt utterly helpless. After what felt like hours, he finally felt her erratic breathing even out and he realized she'd cried herself to sleep in his arms.

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