Chapter Twenty Three

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"Well how did it go?" Peter asked as she entered his room.

"He said yes. We should start moving my stuff"

"How did you manage to get him to agree?"

"I appealed to his need for progress. I told him she would most likely improve with more support. I also told him that if he wanted me to work with him and trust him, he had to extend me the same respect. We both know he'd give me just about anything to ensure my cooperation"

"Clever girl" Peter said proud that for a change they weren't just pawns they were finally playing the game.


They chatted as they moved Luna's belongings from her room to his. He went to take down her sketches but she stopped him "leave the one's that aren't of you for 018" the room is awfully plain. She can have my pink blanket as well". Once they had finished the room looked plain and bear but it was much better than the small cell like room the child currently resided in.

It was now early evening and they'd missed lunch. They knew that 018 would be in the rainbow room for a little longer and agreed that Peter would get her things while Luna collected the girl. She headed down the long white corridors nodding in greeting at the orderlies she passed. It was still a bit strange although they were still there to watch her and the others she now had some power over them and was quickly becoming Brenner's right hand woman. They feared she could report them and have them punished or sacked if they upset her in anyway.

She poked her head through the rainbow room doors and 018's tired face lit up when she spotted her. Luna crooked a finger at her tilting her head towards the corridor. "Where are we going?" she asked Luna

"It's a surprise!" Luna responded enthusiastically.

"Is it far? I'm tired" she said in a small voice.

"Come here then" Luna bent down lifting the girl up she was small but heavier than she looked. Luna couldn't help but smile when the girl rested her head on her shoulder.

She set the girl down when they reached other side of the facility where their rooms were. Peter and her had always had this corridor to themselves they liked the separation from everyone else and she hoped that it would be just what 018 needed.

"Where are we? I've never seen this part before"

"That's because this is mine and Peter's area"

"You have your own hallway? That's so cool"

"Well, we were thinking that you could move here too. I know you have nightmares and this way you can just come and knock on our door"

"Won't I be locked in?"

"No honey the door at the end of the hallway locks but this is your room and this is mine and Peter's room" she said pointing out each door.

"Can I really stay here?" the child asked excitedly

"Of course you can. I already tuck you in at night so I thought it would be a lot easier for you to be right next door. That way if you get scared you can come and get us and we'll make sure you get back to sleep. Now what do you think?" she asked opening the door to show 018 her new bedroom.

The girl looked around in amazement. "Everything's so big! I've got my own sink!" she babbled running around looking at everything before jumping on to the bed. "It's huge and bouncy. Is the bed Princess Aroura had as big as this?" she asked. The question saddened Luna as she realized the only reference to comfort or luxury the child knew was from the stories she told her she shook the thought from her head promising herself that when they got out of here she would do everything possible to make her happy and give her a good life. "I'm sure the princess has a bed just like it. Now here's my old blanket you can have and I have a couple of other presents for you" she pulled out a box containing five of her old children's books, a fluffy stuffed elephant, a brown teddy bear a coloring book some plain paper and crayons.

"All of this is for me?" she asked in awe.

"This is all of my old stuff. The teddy is called Bear and he'll protect you at night. You can name the elephant" Luna responded pleased that 018 was happy. Peter pushed open the door with his shoulder carrying two cardboard boxes. "I got dinner seeing as we'd missed it. Its in the top box and the bottom has got all of 018's stuff". Luna took the top box from him and he set the other box on the floor.

They unpacked her few belongings putting the multiple pairs of grey tracksuits in the draws and her tooth brush in the sink. They ate together Luna calling it a 'floor picnic' they spoke about their days and 018 begged Peter to tell her all he knew about elephants he obliged. Once they'd finished it was clear the girl was ready for bed. Luna cleared everything away and Peter began to head next door to his room but was stopped by the small child grabbing him and throwing her arms around his waist in a hug. Peter tensed but quickly relaxed patting her on the back and head affectionally. Luna thought this was adorable but had to stop herself laughing at the height difference.

"Goodnight 018 go get ready for bed" Peter said gently.

Luna waited as she got changed running in to their room for a moment to retrieve a old encyclopedia when it became clear the girl was just a couple inches too short for the sink. After her teeth had been brushed 018 got in bed. Luna sat on top of the covers leaning against the headboard letting the child cuddle into her and began to tell her a story. After a couple of minutes, she realized the child had fallen asleep. She moved slowly as not to wake the girl laying her onto the bed, kissing her forehead and tucking her in.

Peter was sitting on their bed waiting "that was quick" he said.

"I think once she started feeling safe all the exhaustion hit her at once"

"Probably. What did you need the encyclopedia for?"

"She was too short to reach the sink"

Peter laughed "I liked tonight it was nice just the three of us. Maybe taking her with us won't be so bad"

"She really likes you Peter and your really good with her. Thank you for helping me with all of this stuff today and for letting her move next door. It means a lot" she said walking over to kiss him

"If your happy I'm happy" he said. She squealed as he pulled her onto the bed beside him. He rolled on top of her and started kissing her. "I love you" She said between kisses. "I love you too darling"

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