Chapter Four

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It was just two days later Luna found herself sitting in a chair one wrist tied down with someone tattooing numbers on to her wrist. Papa sat beside her and attempting to distract her he started to explain why they were doing this.

"You are the first we can find who can do the things you can do. You unlocked or influenced Henry's abilities so you will be number zero. You're both very special children. You two are the key to recreating this, to making more like you."

Luna was horrified at the thought why would they want to make more of them after what Henry did? She knew they were both capable of great destruction and that terrified her. She wanted to know why they would be so careless but when she asked this Papa told her not to worry and to trust him and he would take care of it all. This did distract her and before she could finish her thought process the tattoo was done she looked down and there it was 000 she knew it would be there permanently just like Henry in her mind she thought.

"Get some lunch and then I've got a surprise for you Zero"

Her name was now just a number. She shivered at the sound of what would come to be her new name. Luna had lost her home, her mother and now her identity she'd lost everything from her old life well everything except for Henry.

"Not hungry today?" Papa asked when he returned. Luna had barely touched her lunch just moving it around on the metal plate.

"No Papa"

"Ok come on then time for your surprise" he led her out of the door and into a playroom. This must be new she thought. She sat down at a drawing table and began to color the shapes left out for her when she heard the door open again she turned around and froze shocked.

"Henry" she whispered before standing up and rapidly backing herself into a corner.

"Leave them to work it out" Papa instructed the two orderly's who had escorted Henry. They left locking the two in alone.

"Please don't be scared of me. I promised to never hurt you do you remember?" Henry asked her in a small voice putting his hands out towards her.

"You killed them Henry I tried to stop you. Why? Why would you do that? She replied voice shaky.

"I did it for us Luna she was going to lock us up I saw it in her mind I was trying to save us don't you understand? To protect you I would do anything" when she didn't respond silent tears running down her cheeks he continued "its just us now you're all I have please Luna you don't have to forgive me but try and understand"

As Luna watched the boy plead it dawned on her that he was right all they had was each other, everyone else was gone, her mother had abandoned her but Henry hadn't. At this realization she quickly began to find ways to convince her self he wasn't all bad. He'd done it to protect them right? Maybe he'd had a good intention but the wrong solution so as he reached for her again, she took his hand and he pulled her into a hug. Maybe the only way to cope, to survive was to do so together.

From that day forward they did everything together much to Doctor Brenner's delight as he had no doubt that they would be stronger together as a team.

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