Chapter Twenty Five

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It had been a of couple weeks since 018 had moved in and Luna and Peter were tired to say the least. Last night though instead of waking up to screams they woke up to a tug on their duvet. 018 was stood beside their bed. "Can I sleep with you?" she asked in a small voice and Luna gave a sleepy nod. The girl crawled on to the bed over Luna and tucked her self between the two. Usually this would have made Peter uncomfortable but he was too tired to care and quickly fell back to sleep.

Peter awoke the next morning to small fingers gently poking at his check and lifting his hair up. He opened his eye to see the child staring curiously at him as if she was studying his face. He reached up and gripped both her wrists. She looked startled for a minute so he smiled reassuring her he wasn't angry and let go of her wrists. He started to tickle her. She squealed and tried to wriggle away waking Luna. 

"What on earth are you two doing?" Luna asked voice thick with sleep.

"Save me please" 018 begged between giggles her face red from laughing.

Luna grabbed the small girl and flipped them both shielding the girl but Peter just changed his target to Luna. "Stop it Peter" she said trying not to laugh. 018 looked up and suddenly there was a barrier between her and Luna and Peter. Luna and Peter stopped they were shocked and looking at some sort clear wall they both put the hands pushing on it but it wouldn't budge. Their hands strange like touching static. It was some kind of forcefield.

"How are you doing this 018" Luna asked

"I'm not sure" the girl responded as Peter inspected the forcefield. He picked up a pen and threw it at the barrier but it bounced off as if it had hit a wall.

"Can you take it down?" he asked her. She focused and struggled.

"Just let it go. Imagine it fading away" Peter said. The barrier receded.

Luna sat the girl on her lap and Peter handed her a tissue to wipe the small trickle of blood from her nose.

"The question is can you do it again?" Peter asked.

"Give her a minute Peter"

"We need to know"

"You sound like Papa" Luna snapped

Peter scoffed "You kow that's not fair we need to know so he doesn't find out. We both know if he did he'd just exploit it and use it against us"

 "You're right I'm sorry just give her a second" Luna said apologetically she hadn't meant to snap at him. 

"I want to try" 018 spoke up.

Luna and Peter watched her try but to no avail.

"Listen to me" Luna spoke kneeling in front of the girl "I told you a while ago that I thought we just hadn't found your ability yet. This could be it but you have to find a way to tap into it. Take a deep breath and try using your hand, lift your arm and imagine a barrier rising when you do it. Like this" Luna told her standing up behind the girl demonstrating.

018 took a deep breath and lifted her arm a barrier appearing. She held it there with her hand out. "I'm doing it" she said excitedly.

"Well done" Luna said.

"That's quite amazing" Peter praised.

018 was now beginning to strain and her blood started streaming from her nostril.

"Ok you can stop now sweetie" Luna told her but the child ignored her as if she was in a trance.

"Stop now 018" Peter said sternly. It was like she couldn't hear them. She was now shaking.

"Peter do something" Luna shouted.

Peter ran in front of the girl he could feel the forcefield against his back as he crouched. He shook her shoulders but she still didn't respond. "Luna get inside her mind make her stop" he commanded.

Luna pushed into her mind she could see 018 surrounded by black she shouted to her "Let go! Come back to us!" she felt 018's thoughts and awareness come back and Peter caught her small body as her legs gave out. Luna knelt beside them stroking the girls face as she laid exhausted in Peters arms. "Hey it's ok" Luna reassured her "Peter put her in our bed". 

Peter carried her over to their bed and Luna tucked her  in. "018 this is really important before you sleep you must not tell anyone about this. Promise me" Peter said firmly. "I promise" the girls whispered as she closed her eyes.

Peter looked over at Luna who was shaken by the whole ordeal. He opened his arms and she hugged him tight.

"What if I couldn't stop her?" Luna said into his chest.

"But you did. That's what matters. She's ok just tired. She'll be fine in a couple of hours" he told her kissing the top of her head.

"Shit I have to go to meet Papa" she said realizing she'd forgotten their usually meeting. She pulled back from Peter and wiped her eyes. She ran to the closet and quickly changed. She kissed the sleeping girl on her forehead before turning to Peter.

"I'll look after her. I promise" Peter told her lifting her chin and placing a kiss on her lips.

"Thank you" she said before kissing him once more and heading out the door. 

A/N: Volume Two has emotionally destroyed me. I've never cried so much at a show ever. 

I have covid I will update when I can sorry for all the delays <3

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