She's a 10 due to inflation

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| Chapter 19 |


We hear some shoveling noises behind the door before it's opened. The girl was probably around my height with dirty blonde hair and had the bluest eyes I have ever seen. At first, she pulls a face at Shawn before looking at me and taking me into a breathtaking hug.


o say I was shocked was an understatement. Once I got back to my senses I hugged her back. She smells like strawberries.

" OMG!," She says letting me. " You are way prettier than he described you,"

" Thank you, "

" Do I get a hug too, " Shawn pouts next to me?

She completely ignores him and hooks her arm with mine leading me into the house. I could hear music playing in the background but it's overthrown by load waves of laughter. I cringe, inwardly repeating my talking points. The first thing to do when making friends is to find a common interest but I don't know how to do that when Google said to avoid sensitive topics during first meetings like religion, polit-.

The very enthusiastic girl tugs my arm bringing me out of my internal turmoil.
" How rude of me, I forget to introduce myself, " she leads me to the kitchen. " My name is Sofia but you can call me Sof,"

" Nice to meet you I'm Amari,"

" I know," she giggles before unhooking our arms and opening the fridge. " I hope you like cake,"

" Who doesn't," I laugh as she cuts out two slices beforehand me a spoon.

Okay, I like Sofia

She puts the cake in the fridge before digging into her slice. " We should eat fast before they notice we are gone," she mumbles with cake in her mouth which makes me laugh.

Once we finished eating, she hooks her arm with mine again and leads me to what seemed like the living room. My anxiety starts kicking in when I notice how many people are in the room. I freeze.

I can't do this

My brain goes out the window leaving me numb. I nervously look over to Shawn and he gives me a smile before mouthing ' it's okay '. But I don't move until Sofia pinches my arm.

" Ouch!" I yell rubbing the spot.

" Sorry, I was just trying to get your attention," she sheepishly says.

This girl!

Shawn motions for me to come to sit next to him so I awkwardly make my way to him avoiding all the beer cans on the floor and making sure I don't trip over anything. Once I sit down wraps his arm around my waist and gives me a squeeze. " Are you okay?"

I inhale and exhale before giving him a nod and turning my attention to the rest of the room. "So guys, this is Amari," he starts.

" Hey, I'm Rick," says the guy that Sofia is sitting on. They are pretty cozy so I can only assume they are in a relationship. I respond by smiling at him.

Next to them sits a girl with long hair. Her caramel skin looked really smooth and just from looking at this side of her face I tell she is beautiful almost, she looks like a doll. But she doesn't look at me not even bothering to introduce herself.

She's a 10 but the bitch has no personality.

" I'm Noah that dummies brother," says the guy sitting opposite me, gesturing to Sofia.
I laugh when Sofia playfully sticks her tongue out.

" Do I need to introduce myself again? " Raj says from behind me.

I look over to him." You know there's no need for that, you are literally the only Indian I Know. " I tease causing everyone to laugh.

" Shawn was right you are funny, " Noah says.


After an hour or two of hearing them talk. With me inputting a few things here and there in the conversations I have come to know that Rick and Noah play professional Rugby which explains their athletic builds.

Rick and Sofia are in a relationship and they would be celebrating their 2nd anniversary in a week. I also found out what Barbie's name is. Samantha. Although she hasn't addressed me all night, she seems to be very close to the group of friends so she might not be that bad.

Maybe we are both such at first impressions?

" Okay let's play a game," Sofia says getting off Rick's lap.

" Yes, we can play charades," Raj energetically suggests.

"No," Sofia scoffs. " It's my day I decide,"

Raj pouts and lefts his hands up in surrender. Sofia does a quick jog to the kitchen and returns with a bottle of Vodka and shot glasses. She places them on the table on the table before clapping her hands together.

" We are going to play truth or dare," she announces. " And if you don't want to do what you are asked then you have to take a shot. "

" What about Shawn?, " Asks Raj.

I frown " What about him?"

" He doesn't drink," Samantha says rolling her eyes. Like how was I supposed to know he doesn't?

" Oh," I look at Shawn and then back at Samantha before fixing my gaze back on Sofia.

Okay, I don't like Samantha.

" Shawn has to be given both options and will be obligated to choose one of them," Sofia suggests and everyone agrees.

And the game starts!


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