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| Chapter 4 |


Have any of you watched how to get away with murder?

If so, please give me some pointers.

He has been sitting with me every day and every day I ignore him. Well, not every day, some days he wouldn't come to class or he would only attend half of the day. But every time he got the chance he stuck to me like an STD. I have tried to avoid him but he seems to always know where to find me. Every time!

Creepy? I know right.

It's been to two weeks and I can't take it anymore. After class, he would wait for me outside so I couldn't run away. Then he walks me to my next. On other days he would walk us to my spot and talk about his day. He never misses a beat. Although he is very much annoying I can't deny that I enjoy his company. Now I find myself absentmindedly looking for him in crowds.

He doesn't care that I'm none responsive, he just talks, be it random science facts or something equally stupid, and when he runs out of things to say he just sits with me. I don't know what his reasons are for being here. Does he pity me or is he messing with me? I don't know if it's the red hair but he seems genuine.

I was in an internal battle with myself. 3 years without any sort of relationship. 3 years of loneliness. 3 long years living robotically. It was hard pushing all those people out of my life. It was hard to let anyone care for me. It was too hard distancing myself from the world.

Yet he easily forced his way into my life. Easily makes me want to interact again. Easily makes me want to give life another chance. He makes it easy.

Even the way he talks looks easy. He can go on and on about the most random stuff. Like today he's telling me a story of when he was served the wrong drink.

" She gave me a blueberry smoothie," he says as he lays on the grass next to my feet "when I asked for chocolate--- like who in the world likes blueberry? I hope you don't like blueberry because that's a red flag"

" You know what the worst part is," he asks switching into a sitting position so he could face me " she tried to gaslight "

" She was like 'no sir you ordered blueberry, you must be mistaken' but because she was an old lady I had to let go" sighing "Sandy I'm sure that you like chocolate to right, who wouldn't"

" Quit calling me that " I finally speak which causes him to grin.

" Call you what "

" Sandy "

" You don't like being called by your name," he asks confused

" My name is not Sandy"

He put a hand on his heart and faked being hurt " you lied to me "

" Yeah" I shrugged

" You let me call you Sandy for two weeks"

" So "

"Hmmm attitude I like that " he wiggles his eyes brows

" Oh shut up and p.s chocolate is overrated" plus it almost killed me, so I'm never touching it again.

He scoffs " You are weird"

" Says the one who has been talking to himself for two weeks" I retort

" Fair point" Extending his hand " Friends?"

I hesitate before shaking his hand. One friend wouldn't hurt right.

" Should we get friendship bracelets "

" Don't push it Ginger" I say playfully glaring at him.


Although my face was expressionless on the inside I was beaming like a kid in a candy store. Like a kid on Christmas. He doesn't know how much this 'friendship' is affecting me.

I tried my best to stop my lips from tugging upward but since no one was around I smiled. A real smile. In my three years of living here, I don't think my mirror has ever seen me smile. After I stared at my reflection for a few moments I got undressed and changed into an oversized t-shirt.

I ordered pizza for dinner and then got comfortable on my couch. switching on Netflix, I poured some wine into a glass. You know because I'm fancy.'s just grape juice.

I needed a distraction to stop myself from thinking about him. For the first time in years, I have a friend. But I know as much as I like having this new friend, he has to go.

Not now though.


Ginger (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now