Muzan Catch up

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After Muzan ran into the children of the Hashira and when he found Karrigan his future Queen with a little girl he could see the worry for the girl than herself. Just what he wants in a Queen ruthless but will have a heart for any future lids the two if you will have but he needs a child to lure you in so he went out to find a good woman and create a child  with her then when the  baby is born kill the mother. And that is what this man did the woman was beautiful but nothing like Karrigan. Muzan can remember the day the two had meet he was out looking for diner when he ran into her. She had been in the near by lake looking for gems.  She found  few but as soon as their eyes met she knew right away he was a demon. She fought like a god she didn't seem to lose pace she even landed a few blows on him, No one but Yoriichi has been able to do it since.

Karrigan. A demon this fast. Are you a upper moon or something your strong i'll give you that.

Sixth form  Meteor Shower

She went for his neck but he move so Karrigan used the fourth form

Fourth Form Purple Haze!

Muzan was shocked this made his vison fade to purple

During this fight Karigan made a Eighth form she called it  MorningStar

She was able to get his head off his shoulders but he rengened  

Karrigan. Oh Shit Your the demon king!

He asked to know her name and her tell her his so she did

Karrigan. Its LaRose Karrigan.

Muzan. Kibutsuji Muzan. 

She ended the fight by running for it he has been going out of the way to see her again she would fight him then run the last few times hes seen her she was pale  But she keep going, he asked her why the last time they spoke

Karrigan. Pft the king of demons asking. Fine I've been sick since the day i was born. But hell i am still fighting it.

He stopped his memorizing   and looked the woman carrying his child she's do to give birth any moment. Later that night she gave birth to a baby girl. She is so small and weak looking but she had a beauty to her. He had children before her  yet she made him feel just the way The Galaxy Hashira  made him feel. He gave you the name 

MuzN. Y/n River Kibutsuji.

Meeting the others. Muzan had called a meeting of all of the upper moons. When they got there they saw there master with a baby in his arms.

Daki. Master is that a adorable baby?

Muzan. Yes this is the reason why i called you hear today. Everyone this is my daughter Y/n and when i am not here you all will look after her. And Domua stay away from her.

Crawling.  You where with Uncle Akaza and  he was fighting off domua . you where board so you got onto your hands and knees and moved slowly at first but picked up pace and crawled all the way to Aunt Daki. She let out a laugh. 


First words. You where a quiet baby it was all most scary to your father you didn't even giggle half of the time.  So when you actually  said something   it sacred him but also made him laugh

Domua. AKAZA CHAN!!!!

Y/n. Shwt up!

They all looked at the small girl who looked a lot like her father when angary  

You get sick.  You had been sick for the past week and it scared Muzan. He worried she might have got his sickness from him but Akaza said it was just a stomach bug it should pass soon.

You scare them. You found a sword and wanted to show your father it but you couldn't walk so you had Daki pick you up and take you to your father. You must have remined him of some one because when you showed him you he almost fainted. 

Y/n. Dada?

Yoriichi in the back ground smiles he knows why Muzan got the look he did on his face with Daki's hair and the sword it remined him of Yoriichi

Meeting your first demon. Your dad is the demon king.

Yoriichi's ghost. Yoriichi has been teaching you how to scare your father and he loved that you took it to heart. So when your father heard you talking to nothing he though you had a active imagination.

Y/N. Yicii.

Muzan. Y/n it's time for food.

Walking. You watched everyone do it and wanted to try.  You found a chair to help yourself to your feet and you took the shaky step then another when you made it to your father he had a look on his face.

Meeting The Galaxy Hashira. He had brought you out to see the night sky when he saw you sitting by the bank of the river. You hand made your way to the pretty lady, When she was your father she froze then looked at you picked you up brought you back to your father.

Karrigan. I think this is yours,

She handed you back to your dad she left.

First Birthday.  Daki got you a new kimono to wear for your small party.

With you being half human you got a cake to eat you loved the buttercream cake your father had gotten you

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With you being half human you got a cake to eat you loved the buttercream cake your father had gotten you. Everyone had a great time and by the end you fell asleep in the arms of Akaza.

You steal their haori. He doesn't wear one so you wear his hate from time to time he finds it cute. 

Future you comes to the past.

Why am I not surprised.


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Muzan. What the.

Future Y/n. One name Domua. He touched something he shouldn't have.

Terrible two's. You had Domua him a head lock why he took your food so now your throwing a fit. And Domua is taking the brunt of it. No one helped.

Filping off the king of demons. Never.

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