12- Not a Date

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No One's POV

They wait out the next twenty-five minutes doing nothing in particular. No one said very much to not upset Pepa with any sort of noise and no really had anything to do with it raining so hard and the villagers being holed up in their houses.

Gradually, the rain gets lighter and thunder and lightning gets more scarce. It was slow, but noticeable.

Soon, it was just a drizzle. And Pepa was looking much better too. Her breathing was no longer ragged and the color had returned to her face. She was also no longer trying to get into a fetal position.

"It really worked...", Felix mutters and turns toward y/n.

Y/n just shruged and smiled. She wanted to say "I told you so", but was biting her tongue.

She stood up and put on her backpack and some of the Madrigals watch her pull the poncho over herself as well.

"You're not leaving, are you?", Mirabel asks as she stands up too.

"I am, I am. I'd like to take advantage of this lovely drizzle. Now that the rain's let up, hopefully there'll be a rainbow somewhere soon. I'd love to take some pictures of it."

Pepa sits up in her chair at that and smiles at y/n gratefully. "Thank you, y/n. I'm feeling a lot better now. That medicine worked like magic! I thought it wouldn't work at first."

Y/n stops walking and gasps, covering her mouth as she looks at her. "Is that a smile I see? Forget the rainbow, I should just take a picture of you if I wanted to see beautiful."

A light blush creeps onto Pepa's face and she uses a hand to cover her face, "Oh you~ I didn't take you for a charmer."

"I think you'll find I'm full of surprises.", she winks back.

"Woah there, you're not trying to steal my wife, now are you?", Felix asks jokingly as he tries to make a serious face.

Y/n grins at him and then looks up at Pepa, her grin turning into a smirk. "Maybe I am. What say señorita, would you prefer a candlelight dinner or a picnic under the stars?"

Pepa laughs and looks at her husband before looking at Y/n. "Candlelight sounds nice.", she winked.

Felix sighed loudly in mock exasperation, throwing his hands up for extra affect. "Well played. Just have her home by ten."

"Twelve.", y/n challenged without skipping a beat.

Felix looked her dead in the eyes and said, "Eleven, take it or leave it."

"Deal!", y/n exclaimed, looking satisfied with herself.

Pepa was laughing harder now and a couple other Madrigals had joined her.

Camilo, however, was not one of them.

"You can stop flirting with my mother now.", he groaned while dramatically getting up and leaving the room.

Y/n snickered as the laughter got a little louder and followed Camilo out the living room. She was headed for the doors when Luisa called out her name.
She stopped and looked at the other girl as she walked up to her.

"About tonight...", Luisa started nervously, but y/n stopped her before she could go on.

"You don't want to. It's fine, I get it. I'm not trying to pressure you into this or anything, so don't worry about it." (Although that was kind of exactly what she did in the first place.)

"No! It's not that I don't want to, and we can still have dinner together, just... it won't be just us two."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean.. I mean we should have dinner here tonight. With my family, like last time."

"Oh, in that case, I'm going to have to humbly decline. I was looking for a date, not charity. I do appreciate the offer though."

Y/n once again turns to leave and the casita opens a door for her. Outside, the weather was as great as the day before. There was the lingering smell of rain and wet grass, and light humidity, but to say it was an improvement would be an understatement.


She sighs and walks outside before looking back. It wasn't Luisa who'd called out to her this time.

"She didn't mean it like that. We heard you were going to have dinner with Luisa, and we thought, 'why not invite y/n to dinner as a family?'. It's not charity, it's an invitation. We'd love to have you here tonight." Isabela says, stepping out into the courtyard.

Behind her, Luisa was fidgeting, looking hopeful that what Isabela said would change y/n's mind.

Y/n thought about it for a moment, but gave in soon enough. "Alright.", she nodded. "I'll be back for dinner. Thank you again for offering."
With that she waved the two sisters goodbye and walked back to her camp. Taking pictures of people as they began to come out of their houses and take down barricades in town as she went.

When she finally got to the clearing, she found that her tent had taken some serious damage. It was bent out of shape and there was a big gash on one of the sides. Luckily, nothing inside was too damaged, and because of all the things inside, the entire tent hadn't flown away. She was also relieved that nothing major had happened to her car either.

This wasn't the first time her tent had torn though, so y/n knew what to do this time around. It wasn't anything a sewing awl, a spool of thread, and some repair tape couldn't fix. The only problem was that it was time consuming. It took an hour to patch the tent up, another hour to straighten out the poles it used to stand, and another hour to set up everything inside again. So that was three hours of her day, gone.

That really only left time for a hearty lunch and a stroll through the Encanto before it was time to get ready for dinner.

Meanwhile, back at the casita, preparations for the party -that was very much still on- were happening.

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