19- People Suck

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Luisa glances up then shrugs. She takes out a muffin from her own bag and takes a bite.

I wasn't going to push her to talk about it so I nodded in response. I looked around, taking in the scene as I ate. Everything looked so pretty and green. Like something out of a children's book.

"The donkeys like to hang out here a lot.", I hear Luisa mention out of the blue.

I look at her and tilt my head slightly, "Do they now?"

"Yeah. Most of the time I'll find them here.. and I'll stay a little while before taking them back. To take a breather, you know?"

"Oh, yeah, I know. I'm taking one long breather myself.", I chuckle and finish the first of my food.

"What do you mean?", she asked, a glint of curiosity in her eyes.

"Why do you think I'm in the wild? Miles and miles away from civilization—well, I thought I was miles away from civilization, until I ran into you guys."

"To get away from people?"

"Yep. People suck."

Luisa smiled at that and nodded. I watched her lean her head back onto the tree and laugh a little. "Yeah, people suck."

Now that she'd opened up a little, I felt like I could wedge that crack open further. I held the cake in my mouth and scooted myself over to where Luisa was sitting. I settled in beside her and leaned against the tree as well. "Why do you say that? The people here seem pretty cool. Especially your family.", I ask as I take the cake out of my mouth.

Luisa turned a little to watch me sit beside her then hummed in thought. "Don't get me wrong, my family is wonderful. I wouldn't trade them for anything. The villagers though... some of them can be a bit.. needy.", she admitted with a heavy sigh. "I really shouldn't be complaining. We were given gifts for a reason. To help the people of the Encanto. My gift just has me help a little more."

Personally, I thought it sounded awful to get a gift and feel forced to use it to help others. Even superheroes have a choice of using their powers. Though it seemed like Luisa didn't, no matter how much she insisted that she liked helping around the town.

"I think you have every right to complain. Always being at everyone's beck and call? I could never. It's pretty admirable of you to have put up with it for so long." I tell her as I shoulder bump her.

She chuckles and leans down to whisper something, using her hand to cover the side of her mouth, "Don't tell anyone, but I actually liked it a little when I lost my powers."

She sat back up and I noticed a different look on her. She looked relieved. Like she'd just gotten something big off her chest.

"I was devastated at first, but after a while, it was nice to be...normal.", she added and went back to eating another muffin.

I took a bite out of my own piece of cake and let my brain register what I'd heard. "You lost your super strength?"

"Oh right! Of course you wouldn't know about that! I can tell you what happened! If you want to know..."

I nod enthusiastically, "Uh-Yes! Of course I wanna know!"

Luisa got excited too, and began explaining the fall of casita from the beginning. It was from her perspective for the most part, but she did add tidbits about Mirabel and Isabela as well as other family lore to make the story make sense.

By the time she finished explaining, I knew a lot more about the Madrigal family than I thought I ever would. It was certainly an interesting story. It sounded like something out of a fairy tale. Part of me didn't even believe it. But after everything I'd seen in the past few days, I would be more dumb not to.

We were still talking when the sound of a church bell interrupted our conversation. Suddenly Luisa's eyes widened and she stood up in a panic.

"I can't believe it's time for lunch already! I haven't even finished half my chores!", she exclaimed frantically as she smoothed down her skirt.

"Lunch?? Have we really been here that long?", I ask in disbelief and stand up as well.

"That was the lunch bell! I've got to go! I'll see you tonight! At the water fountain, don't forget!", she called back as she started running back into the town.

I watched her leave, but decided to sit back down. I needed a little break from talking before going back. To recharge my social battery and such.

When I did go back into town, I was readier than ever to mingle.

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