4- The Rest of Dinner

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"So where are you from?"

I look at a man with an old-timey mustache and vest, I'm pretty sure he's Mirabel's dad.

"The earth.", I deadpan. I get one stifled laugh from Camilo, but no one else seemed impressed.

"Tough crowd.", I mutter before clearing my throat. "The States. I'm from the U.S."

"Where's that?", he asked back.

"Well, it's in North America. Above Mexico and below Canada."

There was a moment of collective "oohs" and "got its", before the interrogation continued.

"How old are you?", a little boy with a toucan nested in his hair asked.

"How old do you think I am?", I ask him back whilst propping my elbow onto the table and placing my chin in my hand so I could lean toward him.

I smile seeing him think hard about his answer.

After a solid minute of him fidgeting in his seat, looking for the right answer, I decided to let him off the hook. "It's okay, you can relax now. I'm twenty."

The boy sighed in relief and it looked like the toucan on his head did too. A few family members chuckle and continue eating.

"So you're a year older than Luisa.", Mirabel adds as I take a bite of what I'd gathered on my plate. It was good. Like r e a l l y good.

"Oh bet. Annnnd, who's Luisa again?" As soon as I asked, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I had to look up a little to make eye contact with the buff woman next to me.
"I'm Luisa.", she pointed at herself then went back to eating.

"Bet, bet... And, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that youuuu are the sister with super strength.", I joked and gave her a gentle poke on the bicep. It was a lot firmer than I'd expected. Good gawd, this woman could crush my spine and I'd say thank you.

"Yep! It's pretty great! I get to help out the townspeople a lot!", she told me proudly.

"Oh that's great. I'm guessing y'all are pretty big on helping out around town?"

There were many nods and then Alma went on a spiel about how it was important that they gave back to the community as thanks for their gifts.

After that, there were only a few more questions I had to answer and the rest of the dinner was smooth sailing.

By the time dinner finally concluded, I had learned everyone's name for the time being. If I could remember them the next time we met would be another story.

"So where are you staying tonight?", Mirabel asked me as I stood up from the table and put my backpack on. And for the hundredth time today, everyone was looking in my direction.

"I've got a place in mind.", I tell her with a smile, trying not to make it a big deal. "I saw a field on my way here; I'll take my gear there and make camp. The weather at night is pretty great around here."

"You should stay here tonight!", Mirabel exclaimed excitedly. "Can she, abuela?"

"I couldn't! I shouldn't. I'm not trying to overstay my welcome. Plus, my camp is perfectly comfortable!"

Alma cleared her throat and looked between me and Mirabel. "You wouldn't be overstaying anything. You should stay. There's an extra bed in the nursery."

There was no use arguing anymore, because Alma was already walking away.

"Come on!", Mirabel grabbed my hand and practically dragged me to the nursery. Well, I thought she was taking me to the nursery, but I think we ended up in her room instead.

"So where's the nursery?", I ask while looking around. It was a quaint, but homey room with personality.

"This is it.", Mirabel gestured to the room.

"Oh. I thought this was your room."

"It is."

I look at her and nod as I shrug it off. If anyone, I would think Antonio would be the one sleeping in the nursery.

"That's your bed.", Mirabel points at the bed on the other side of the wall.

I drop my backpack on it and take a seat on it, before bouncing up and down a little. "Comfy! It feels like forever since I got to sleep on a real bed!"
I lay back and practically melt onto the comforter.

"And you were saying your camp was 'perfectly comfortable'", Mirabel snorted, using air quotes around my words.

I roll my eyes and grab my backpack onto my lap. I open it up and pull out a pair of clean clothes.
"You got a bathroom where I could change?"

"You can change in here, I'll step outside. I wanna say good night to everyone anyways. You don't want to take a bath or anything?", Mirabel asks as she walks toward the door.

I shake my head, "Naw, I took a dip in a lake only like an hour before I found your town."

She nodded and with that, left the room.

I changed out of my pants and into basketball shorts, and I'd just taken off my shirt when the door opened.
"Mirabel, abuela wants—", Luisa said as walked into the room. She froze for a fraction of a second before a light pink tinted her cheeks. "I-I am so so sorry. I was looking for Mirabel. I wasn't try— sorry! I'm, I'm gonna leave now.", she said frantically while shielding her eyes and fumbling to leave and close the door.

'What a cute reaction.'

I finished putting my shirt on and plopped onto the bed again. Luisa was pretty cute.
I look at the ceiling and sigh blissfully. "Can I pull her?", I ask myself aloud. She was out of my league, sure, but if old men could get hot wives, then maybe I could get a giant of a girlfriend.

The window in Mirabel's room suddenly flies open and then closes and the floorboards bump my bed up a little. Was the haunted house talking to me now?

I was a little freaked out (okay, a lot freaked out), but luckily Mirabel came in a few seconds later.

"Are you going to sleep now?", she asked me while getting into her bed.

"Yeah. Dinner was so good I'm about ready to pass out.", I admit, taking off my glasses and putting them on the bedside table.

Mirabel does the same and we fall into a comfortable silence.

"So what did you say your gift was again?", I ask when I realize I couldn't remember what it was.

"I didn't say.", she replies with a laugh.

"Okayyy. So what is it?", I turn on my side to look at her, although the dark with the fact that I couldn't see two feet in front of me without my glasses didn't leave much to look at.

"I don't have one.", she tells me quietly.

We were both quiet for a while, I honestly wasn't sure what to say.

"That's cool too. That makes you the most special person in your family, doesn't it?"

Mirabel didn't respond and I was beginning to think I'd said the wrong thing.

Eventually I heard her mutter an, "I guess".

I lay back on my back and close my eyes. "Well, gift or no gift, you're a pretty chill kid, Mirabel."

I'm not sure if she ever responded to me, because that's the last thing I remember before falling asleep.

Luisa Madrigal x Fem!Reader | Another OneWhere stories live. Discover now