15- Pants Part I

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Luisa's POV

I take a deep breath, composing myself before leaving the bathroom. I wasn't sure what y/n was planning, but if it had anything to do with what she was insinuating earlier, I'm not sure my heart can handle it.

I quietly walk out of the bathroom in my nightgown. For a second it looked like she'd left my room. Then I saw the small bump under the sheets in my bed.
Practically tip-toeing, I make my way over to the side of the bed to see what she was doing. Pulling back the covers slightly, I find her out like a light.

"'Won't be sleeping' she says.", I roll my eyes and chuckle quietly as I take her glasses off her face and set them on the bedside table before covering her up again.

Don't get me wrong, I was relieved! But still...oh whatever, I don't know what I was expecting.

I walk to the other side of the bed and linger for a moment. She wouldn't mind if we shared the bed, right? I don't really want to sleep on the ground. It was cold and rock-hard...
Plus, my bed was more than big enough for the both of us.

Yeah, it would be fine.

I climb into bed and get under the covers. Using two of the extra pillows I slept with, I built a small wall in the middle of the bed.
'Just in case I try to roll over.'

With the extra barricade and a little more peace of mind, I settle into a comfortable position and try to get some sleep.

—time skipping again—

My internal alarm clock woke me up at the crack of dawn like it usually does. I had to get my morning workout in, clean up, and see if abuela needed me to do anything before breakfast.

I was beginning to sit up when I was hit in the face with the back of someone's hand. It didn't hurt nearly as much as it surprised me.

Pushing the arm away, I look toward where the hand came from.

I'd completely forgotten that y/n stayed the night in my room!
Though, she was wayyy closer than she was last night. In fact, the pillow I'd placed between us wasn't even on the bed anymore.

I sit up, trying to keep my cool and find that one of her legs was still on me.

She was laid out like a star on top of the covers with her limbs out in different directions. It was quite funny to look at if I'm being honest.

At least it was funny until I finally realized that she wasn't wearing pants.

'Oh My God, why isn't she wearing pants?!'

I climbed out of bed as fast as I could after that, but in my panic I forgot to prepare myself for how cold the ground was in the morning.
I began to yelp, but luckily I managed to cover my mouth and run to the bathroom.

Closing the door behind me, I look into the mirror at myself. I didn't even know my face could get so red. But more importantly, why wasn't y/n wearing pants? She was wearing them last night, so why wasn't she wearing them now??

I place a hand over my chest to feel how hard my heart's beating. Was I having a heart attack or was I really just that flustered? Either way, I wasn't expecting to wake up to that!
Now I can't get the image out of my head!!

I close my eyes, trying to think of something, anything else.

Mariano breaking his nose.

Isabella tripping on her own flower petals.

Finding a unicorn.

Gosh, her legs were so pretty.

Ahhhhh! No! Nope! Not working!

I open my eyes and splash cold water on my face. Well, that actually helped a bit.

I should just go about my day. Pretend I didn't see anything. Things will only be awkward if I say anything... Yeah! Bringing it up would just make me perv, right?
And I think she already thinks I am one...
Yeah no, we don't need to add to that.

After calming myself down, I went about the rest of my morning routine. Though I skipped working out today, since I usually did that in my room and I was trying to get out of there as soon as possible. I'd let Y/n wake up at her own time—mainly because I couldn't get close enough to wake her up without feeling like a perv.

I quietly leave my room and make my way downstairs and to the kitchen. Má was beginning to make her first batch of food for the villagers who would need it today. Seeing as I had some extra time since I skipped working out, I decided to help her.

The rest of the morning was as uneventful as usual. I ate breakfast with everyone, abuela gave me my chores for the day, and then I was dismissed to do said chores.
A part of me expected Y/n to come out of my room and join us for breakfast, but she still hadn't left the room when I left.

I wonder how long she usually sleeps...

Luisa Madrigal x Fem!Reader | Another OneWhere stories live. Discover now