7- An End to a Good Day

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The sky was starting to turn orange, and I figured it was a good time to call it a day— mainly because I wanted to take a bath before it got dark.
I make my way back to my campsite and set my things down before grabbing a towel and putting some clean clothes in a drawstring bag. Taking those two things with me, I walk on over to the river behind my tent. I hang my towel and the bag on a nearby tree branch and take a quick look around. Once I made sure I had some privacy, I stripped out all my clothes, save my glasses, and waded into the water. It got deeper the farther to the middle I got, but even then it was only neck deep. It was cold though.

I shivered as my body got used to the cold, and when it finally did was when I actually began washing myself. The water felt quite good now that my body had gone numb. Although, it felt even better to wash myself of all the sweat and dust I'd collected after a long day.

I was washing my hair in the river with the water being just a bit higher than my hips, when I heard someone start to scream and then abruptly stop.
I whipped my head around to look at where the sound had come from, and lo and behold the strongest Madrigal standing there with her hands covering her mouth. When we made eye contact, she covered her entire face, spun around on her heels and began to walk away.

"Hey!", I shouted at her, making her freeze. I sat on my knees in the water so that it covered most of me, leaving just my shoulders and above exposed.

"Don't walk away, you perv!"

Luisa turned around at the speed of light and shook her head frantically. "I'm not a pervert! I didn't know you were here!", she tried to explain.

"Is that your excuse every time?", I narrow my eyes at her and cross my arms over my chest.

"N-no! I swear I didn't know you were here!"

"Surrrre. So why are you here?"

"Abuela sent me to reroute the river!"

"Reroute the— by yourself?! Ha! Couldn't you think of something a little more believable? I mean, I get that you're strong and all, but to reroute a whole river by yourself... I'm not buying it."

"I'm serious! I do it all the time! That's really the only reason I'm here!"

I stare at the anxious girl while she played with the hem of her blouse. I truly couldn't tell if she was telling the truth or not.
There was really only one way to find out.

"Turn around so I can get out. Then you can reroute the river..."

Luisa let go of her shirt and turned around like I asked. Once I'd gotten out and tied the towel around me, I dipped behind a bush to put on the rest of my clothes. It was a simple set of basketball shorts and a graphic T-shirt with some underground band name on it. Not something I was expecting to be seen in.

After making myself presentable I throw the towel over my shoulder and pick up the old clothes, stuffing them into the bag and taking it with me to where Luisa was still standing with her back turned.

"That's twice in two days you've been caught peeping.", I say while walking up to her. "You can turn around now."

Luisa turned around and I noticed her face was flushed red and her bottom lip was trembling slightly. Was she gonna cry?

"Oh geez, don't cry on me now."

"I-I really wasn't t-trying to watch you. It was an accident!"

"Yeah yeah. Listen, I'll decide if I believe you or not after you reroute the river. Like you said you were goingggg to do.", I tell her, starting to feel a teensy bit bad for making her so nervous. Just a teensy tiny bit though.

Luisa nodded dejectedly and walked toward the river, starting to do whatever it takes to reroute a river. I honestly didn't know how it worked, so I just stood nearby watching her do her thing. Which was pretty entertaining in itself, considering her muscles were flexing every other second. And the water splashing on her didn't hurt either.

I didn't even realize I was biting my lip until Luisa walked out the water. I cleared my throat and actually looked at the river for the first time to see that it was indeed flowing toward a different direction.

I look back at Luisa and find that she was looking back at me innocently but expectantly. I click my tongue and try not to focus on how her clothes were sticking to her skin.

"Alright, maybe I underestimated your strength. That was definitely impressive. Kinda wish I got it on video..."

She didn't say anything, and I felt the pressure to say something more.

"And. I guess, I'm kinda, somewhat, more or less sorry for calling you a pervert."

At that she finally broke into a smile. Good lord, her smile was even cuter than her pout.

"Okay! Does that mean we're good?", she asks, looking hopeful.

I think about it for a second before I had an answer.


She looked both surprised and disappointed that I'd said no. "What?! But, Why??"

"Mmmm cause I said so.", I rebut with a smile tugging at the corner of my mouth. I turned around before she had a chance to see it take over and start walking back to camp. Hopefully she would take the bait.

"Wait! Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?", she pleaded, walking after me.
And SNAP! right into the mousetrap.

I spin around and she nearly runs into me, stopping only a foot away.
"Well since you insist, I think I have something."

"Yeah? What is it?"

"Take me out to dinner tomorrow night. Just you, me, and good food."

For like the tenth time that night, she looks taken aback. I smile smugly up at her and wait for an answer. Even with the setting sun I could see her face redden. I'm sure I'm blushing too now, but surely not as much as she was.

When she finally spoke, I had to strain my ears to hear her, but her answer couldn't've been mistaken for anything else.

It was a meek, "okay", but an okay nonetheless!

"Great! I'll see you tomorrow then!" I flash her an excited grin, before realizing that she was still wet, and probably cold too now.

I pull the slightly damp towel off my shoulder, extending it out toward her. "Dry yourself off before you get sick. If you want to, obviously. I've only used this once, and it's fairly clean if you catch my drift."

She looks at my hand for a moment, and slowly reaches out and takes it from me.
"Thank you."

"Don't worry about it. ...I'm uhh gonna get going now.", I tell her and start walking backwards.

"Oh okay, bye! Good night, y/n!"

"Good night, Luisa."

I turn around completely and walk away, doing my best to keep myself from turning back to see if she was still there.

At my tent, I flop onto my cot and stare at the ceiling. I knew damn well I had a stupid smile on my face.
Had I really just scored a date?
Yes. Yes I had.
And did I think I was the smoothest person alive at the very moment?
Yes. Yes I did.

Luisa Madrigal x Fem!Reader | Another OneWhere stories live. Discover now