Ehe Pt. 2

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Alright alright! I'm here!

Been a minute huh...

Though honestly- I think I have a fair excuse-

Been writing some of that good WednesdayxEnidxReader shii ifykyk

It's on AO3 called Can't Say I Don't Love You

If you wanna ykkkkkkk, check that outttt ;)

But those of y'all here for Luisa- I'M SORRYYYYYYYYY

I still love her to death, but Wednesday has consumed my life

Like, literally every waking second. And also my dreams-


Oh no

I might be a lot of things, 

But I'm not a quitter (yes I am)

And I'm not orphaning this story-

So gimme likeeeeee 

Idek tbh-

Just give me some time and I'll update this story!

So thank youuuuuuu to my new readers

And also my old ones for sticking aroundddd :))))

Also, ya'll's comments are funny as hell!

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2023 ⏰

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