17- The Hang over/out

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Still Y/N's POV, just a while later

So day four was off to a great start.

Even after a nice, long bath I still wasn't feeling my best. However, I was determined to not let myself stay inside all day. I'd be leaving in a few more days and the chances are, I'll never be back. So I'm going to experience all the magic the Encanto has to offer!

Well, that was the plan at least. By the time I got into town, all I wanted to do was find somewhere to lay down again.
A part of me wished Pepa would make it rain some. I'd much prefer another rainstorm than the humid, mucky weather I was currently suffering through.

My plan was to make a quick trip to the market to grab some grub, before taking more videos and pictures of the magic stuff that happens. I really wanted a video of Isabela growing flowers or Luisa picking up a house. I wanted to get Dolores' powers on record too, but I didn't know how exactly to prove she had super hearing. Ah still, I could just take a vid of her listening to a conversation as a keepsake. Not like I'd run into someone else with her power.

Anywho, I was on my way to the market when I saw Julieta's food stand in the middle of the plaza. She had quite a line of people waiting to be healed. As I get closer, I pick up my camera and snap a quick shot of her, literally, working her magic.

Even while feeding a young boy with a nasty scrape on his arm, she noticed me stop to take her picture.

"Ah, y/n! I hear you never made it home last night.", she chuckles. She briefly looks my way and smiles before going back to attending to the hurt villagers.

"Word sure travels fast around here, huh?"

She laughs and nods while wiping some sweat off her forehead with her sleeve. I felt bad for her. It seemed like she was always working under the sun or in a hot kitchen.

"Busy day? You look like you could use a break.", I chirp in as I get closer to her food stand. I wondered if it'd be rude to ask her for some food. It would save me the trip and hassle of going into the market.

"Oh nothing I can't handle.", she smiles again and takes a towel from her apron to wipe her hands. She glances at the clock tower then turns to me again. "Speaking of breaks, I don't think I've seen Luisa take any today. She has to be reminded sometimes, you see. When it comes to taking some time off, she's as stubborn as the mules she's always carrying." She sighs tiredly before continuing, "If you see her, make sure she takes a break, okay?"

"Yeah, sure. I can do that.", I assure her.

"Thank you, y/n. I'd do it myself or find someone else, but I've got my hands full today.", she gestures using her eyes toward the line—that looked like it'd gotten even longer in the past thirty seconds. How do so many people get hurt? And have they never heard of first-aid?

Oh whatever. It wasn't my business to get into.

"No problemo. Though, maybe you should take a break too.", I suggest, already starting to walk away.

I hear her sigh and then a quiet "I should.", but nothing more than that.

Unfortunately, I'd left empty handed. With still no food, I still had to go find some.

I'd only been walking for a few minutes before a swarm of kids were at my feet.
Excited and extremely hyper kids.
The worst kind in my opinion.

"Come play with us!"

"Let's take more pictures!"

"We're playing tag! You're it!"

With nearly a dozen little, high-pitched screaming voices I was sure I was going to go deaf for a few seconds.

Luisa Madrigal x Fem!Reader | Another OneWhere stories live. Discover now