20- Date Planning

354 19 10

Luisa's POV

A date. I was going on a date. Me! On a date. Tonight! What was I going to wear? Maybe that new dress Mirabel made me... Would Y/N like it? Would Y/N even like what we're going to do- wait.. What ARE we going to do tonight??
I've never been on a date! How was I supposed to plan one now?? And in—I check the clock tower—a couple hours?!

Oh gosh- What do people do on dates??
Dress nice.
Hold hands.
Eat food.

That's all I got.

It was a little depressing how little I knew about this stuff.
Oh! But I do know someone who would know more!

I did my best to speed through the rest of my chores for the day and even went as far to walk in the outskirts of town to avoid anyone that might need help. I admit it was selfish, but I'm sure it'll be fine.
I wasn't even doing this for m e. 

It was all for Y/N!

Yeah! It'll be fine. Just this once...

After all the effort I put into finishing early, I actually managed to get everything done an hour early.

I gave myself a pat on the back—since I knew no one else was going to—, then ran back home.

Casita opens the doors for me as I get close and I begin to make my way to Dolores' room. I didn't see her in town, so I assumed she was taking a break from all the noise in her room.
However, I didn't even make it to the stairs before Mirabel jumped in front of me.

"Oh my- Mirabel! I almost ran you over. What's got you so.. well, more hyper than usual?", I ask her as I try to move around her. But she moves with me and keeps bouncing on her heels excitedly.

"I know.", she squeals out with the biggest grin on her face.

I flinch slightly at the high noise but sigh in response. "Know what?"

"About THAT!"

"That? That... OH! THAT!", I shout as it finally hits me. I cover my mouth in embarrassment and glance around to make sure no one saw that little outburst.
"How do you know about 'that'", I ask, lowering my voice and leaning down as well.

Her excited grin turns into one of mischief as she grabs my hand and drags me up the stairs and into Antonio's room. I couldn't do much other than follow her.

When we were in the room, I noticed that my entire family was there. Well, minus the older adults. My two sisters and three cousins to be exact. I glanced over their faces and from the way they were all sitting around on the grass with smiles and smirks, it was obvious that everyone knew about 'that'.

I shifted awkwardly now that I was starting to realize what this was about, but Mirabel pushed me toward the others and made me take a seat before plopping down beside me.

"So, we all know why we're here.", Mirabel exclaimed as she looked at everyone then back at me. There were scattered nods- she even got one from Antonio.

Was I the only lost one?

Isabela must've picked up on my confusion, because she placed her hand on my arm, "What Mirabel means, is that we're here to talk about your date. Dolores mentioned that your eye has been twitching all day."

Dolores shifts in her seat with a guilty look, "I told them you were stressing over something, then one thing led to another and I might have told them about your conversation with Y/N. Now—"

She was interrupted by Mirabel who finished her sentence for her. "Now we're going to help you set up the perfect date!"

Honestly, it was starting to seem like Mirabel was more excited about your date than you were.

"You guys...", I mumbled, looking at them gratefully. I might've even started crying if Camilo hadn't cleared his throat.

"We don't have time to be mushy.", he huffed and held out a notebook and pencil. "We wrote down a couple date things you could do while we waited for you.", he explained and handed over the notebook to me. "The best ones are obviously my ideas."

I nodded and looked over the relatively short list. Mirabel and Antonio looked over my shoulder.

Operation Perfect Date for Luisa and Y/N

Go on a midnight stroll


Take her dancing

Show her the night life

Buy her things

Play pranks on the townspeople together

Watch the sunset

It was painfully obvious which one was Camilo's idea. While it might've seemed like the ideal date to him- I'm pretty sure Y/N didn't want to spend her night tormenting strangers.

"These are all really great! Thank you! I really mean it! I would've been totally lost without you guys. At least I have an idea of what to do now."

"So what's on the agenda then?", Isabela asked as she stretched out on her back on the grass.

I rub my chin and stare at the list, trying to put together something half-decent. "Alright.. how about we go on a picnic to watch the sunset. Then I take her into the market to show her the nightlife, and buy her something nice. Then to end the night, I'll walk her back to her camp and we can count that as a midnight stroll.", I suggested.

Everyone seemed more than happy with that. Everyone except Camilo of course. He was pouting that his idea had been skipped, until Dolores nudged him. He cracked a smile and gave me a thumbs up approvingly.

Well that was one less thing to worry about. Now I just had to hope Y/N would find it fun.

"What should I wear?", I ask aloud.

The next thing I know, Isabela and Mirabel are dragging me out Antonio's room and into Isabela's. Everyone else followed after and suddenly I'm having my hair done by Dolores while my sisters ransack my closet and bring back practically every dress I own.

This part seemed like it might take a while...

Luisa Madrigal x Fem!Reader | Another OneWhere stories live. Discover now