𝐗𝐈𝐕. 𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐲

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"It was just a book!"
"it was my favourite!"
Scims fled in Arice's direction, but she protected herself by getting on her knees.
"ARE YOU CRAZY?" she screamed looking right into japeth's eyes.
"if you don't like it, leave! LEAVE!"
  Japeth got onto her last nerves. She got up, opened the door, left, and slammed it after.
Japeth stood there. His eyes full of hate. Anger filled his blood. He felt betrayed.

When he was the one who betrayed Arice. He was the one who promised safety and peace.

The girl probably hates him now. For what he did. Something worse than attacking her.

He'll have to kill her. She knows too much. Way too much. He has to kill the girl he kept hidden only to himself. The girl which he told everything to. How he felt. What he wanted. What his wishes were. The girl who he won fair, after both Rhian and William lost.

Everything has been destroyed in a couple of minutes.
  Could he get the girl back? He's been so dumb to actually trust someone. To tell someone all of those. He has been an idiot!
Now she'll die at his hand.
Without any other questions, Japeth got up, ready to find Arice.
He needed a plan. As Japeth, people would recognize him because he looks like Rhian. As The Snake, it would be even worse.


Arice was walking fast, with loud steps. What a moron! And to think he begged her to stay with him!
She slowed down.
What is she going to do? Where she'll go? Did she do something wrong?
She can't go back home! She doesn't want to go back home. Who knows what those crazy people are up to.

  She has to find somewhere to stay this night. A motel or something. However, she didn't have money. But she had brain.

She found a motel after walking for a little bit. It was small with only two levels. Arice looked throught the window to see how things were going. There was a woman at the reception.
Arice created a fast diversion. Not very complicated, but efficient.
She waited for someone who was accommodated at the motel. She saw a man who went in the building, then left to smoke.

She didn't think twice. Arice followed the man, but not before ripping her shirt's sleeve.
She covered his eyes with the material then punched him in the mouth, eye, and under his belt.
He tried to speak, but Arice hit him once again and he shut up in pain. Then she just let him go back into the motel.
Everyone went to him to see what happened. In this time, Arice walked in fast, went to the reception, took a random key and run up the stairs.

On the key was the number 117. So the first level.
Walking throught the dark hall, she thought again of Japeth. What is he doing right now? She had a bad feeling about the three wishes he told her. She knew it was probably just a scam. But why. Why did he needed her? What did Japeth want? Evil loves just for power. But Arice didn't have any special talent. She wasn't powerful. She couldn't help Japeth with anything. Him and Rhian prepared everything. Maybe she was just a part of their plan too. She didn't have any proof that Japeth has been honest to her.
  Room 117.
She opened the door, but not before turning the sign with "don't disturb" so nobody would walk in.
  The room was pretty small. It had a bed, a wardrobe, a mirror, a small table, and another door, which probably was the bathroom.
  The next day she was going to leave by the window, since it wasn't that high.
She locked the door twice then threw her body on the bed.

She never wondered what is her family doing. Of course, they were probably happier. No bad kid to deal with. Did they search for her? Probably yes. But if she returns back home, she won't have anyone to talk with. To express her thoughts. She'll return to her boring life. And her mother will insist for her to get married.
No man will want her.
She heard her mother say once.
An Ever girl not getting married is as usefull as a dead one.
She also said. But Arice was a Never. Her mother just didn't want to understand this.
  Arice was thinking. After all that happened to her, after all things her family did to her... Is she really the evil one?

  While all kind of thoughts were appearing into her mind, her eyes slowly closed.

  Please Japeth. Come find me. Don't give up on me. I am sorry. Don't let them take me away.

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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥Where stories live. Discover now