12. <3

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Nick's POV
We arrived at Tara's party. I look to my side and see that Charlie has fallen asleep. He often falls asleep when we are in the car. I place a hand in his hair and twist my fingers around in his dark curls until he slowly opens his eyes, "Ready to go in?" I ask him. Tara's party is at her house. She has set up movies, games, and a dance floor. We head inside, I am grasping Charlie's hand in mine. I ring the doorbell, and the door swings open and Elle, Tao, Darcy, and Tara are all standing there. I guess we arrived last. We go inside and see all of the pink, orange, and white decorations displayed throughout the house. They are the colors of the lesbian flag. "Tara these decorations are amazing," I say. They truly are incredible. It's such a creative idea too. She has balloon arches in every doorway and banners on the walls. There are also several polaroid cameras placed throughout the house. "What are the cameras for," I ask out of curiosity.

"I want to remember this, so if you are with me and we are doing something fun we can grab a camera and capture the moment," Tara replies. She has always had the most creative parties. As the night goes on everyone is dancing while music fills the room. I am with Charlie, he has his arms placed on my shoulders while my arms are wrapped around his waist. He leans his head in and places it on my shoulder to whisper, "I love you fiancée." If he hadn't moved his head to my shoulder I wouldn't have heard it.

"I love you too fiancée," I reply. He smiles and we continue dancing. Charlie and I have never really danced like this before. We went to prom and things like that, but we were never dancing much. After another hour or so everyone gradually makes their way into the next room to play games to get some quiet. Everyone had started playing Monopoly. I owned boardwalk and park place so I was by far the richest. We finished the game 2 hours later. I think everyone was ready for the game to be over. I won, and Tao came second. "How did the rugby lad take the rest of my money?!" Tao scoffed.

"Sorry," I say not truly meaning it but Tao already didn't like me there was no need for me to make that worse. Everyone starts leaving so Charlie and I decide to do the same. We get out to the car, and as soon as we get in Charlie lets out a huge sigh. "Everything ok?" I ask him.

"I'm just super tired," he replies. I lean over and give him a kiss on the cheek. He lays his head on the window and goes to sleep. We get home, and Charlie is still asleep so I go to his side of the car, open the door, and pick him up cradling him like a baby. We get upstairs and we are greeted at the door by Bella. I go to the bedroom and gently lay Charlie onto our bed. I pull the duvet over him and then I go change and get ready for bed. When I get back into the bedroom Charlie is gone. He couldn't be in the bathroom because I just left it. I go downstairs to see him in the pantry. I am so proud he is eating on his own now. I don't want to make a big deal of it, so I just go back up to the bedroom and wait for him there. Charlie eventually comes in with a granola bar in his hand, and a bowl of popcorn. "Movie?" Charlie asks me.

"Of course," I say. He didn't even need to ask. "I am always looking for an excuse to cuddle my boyfriend all night."

"We can't watch a movie unless you realize what you just did wrong," Charlie says turning so that his back is facing me. I think back to what I just said Of course I am always looking for an excuse to cuddle my boyfriend all night I have to repeat it in my head a few times before it clicks.

"FIANCÉE!!" I scream. Charlie turns around glaring at me. He stares at me for a few more seconds until breaking into laughter.

"I thought it would be more memorable to you," Charlie says.

"Charlie. It is the thing I am looking forward to the most. I know you are my fiancée. I am proud of it. Now please come to bed so we can cuddle. I haven't had cuddles since this morning and it is killing me." I say. Charlie walks to the bed and sets his snacks on the bedside table. He climbs into bed and lays next to me. I pull him as close and I possibly can, and his head rests on my chest. He gets his popcorn and uses my stomach as a table. I can't wait until we get married. "I love you," I say.

"I love you more," Charlie replies. Before I can tell him that's not possible I hear a quiet snore come from his mouth. He's asleep. I sit and watch for awhile before eventually going to bed myself.

896 words

I am thinking about skipping ahead in time to their wedding because I am running out of ideas!! Thank you for reading! Don't forget to vote the chapters!!

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