18. <3

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Nick's POV
I wake up to the beeping of my phone alarm. I see Charlie start to roll over away from me, but I wrap my arm around his chest and pull him back. This causes him to open his eyes. "Good morning," he says in his raspy morning voice.

"We have to get ready now," I say while I'm climbing out of the bed. We are going wedding shopping today. I am going to pick out my suit and so is Charlie, but to avoid seeing what we are both getting I am going with Aled, and Charlie is going with Oliver and Tao. We get ready, and eat breakfast and get to the car. We are meeting at the shopping center, so I still have 30 minutes with Charlie while we drive before he leaves me for most of the day. I drive, like usual. I can feel Charlie's stare as I drive. I make sure at every red light to lean over and kiss him, as expected he blushes each time. We get to the shopping center, and everyone is waiting outside. We park, and walk to them and Aled greets us with, "Hey guys!" I give Charlie a quick hug and kiss before we split up. Aled and I go to our first store. We have split the stores in half, so that we won't run into each other. Once we have both visited all of our stores, if we still haven't found anything we switch stores. I start looking at suits. Aled is honest, but he is still kind about it. I try on a few suits, they are all similar in color and shape, but Aled picks out all of the specific details. It's helpful because I know Charlie will notice every detail. We narrow it down to one of the three, but it's still not my favorite. We go to another store and I try on two suits one which is navy blue, and the other one is another black. Our wedding includes navy in the color palette so I think that this would go well. Charlie chose navy blue and gold. Our flowers are going to be white along with the small decorations we have placed around. I decide I like the navy blue color, so at the next 2 stores I try on strictly navy blue suits. At the seventh store we visit as we walk in I immediately see a suit I love. I try it on, and Aled has nothing negative to say. He loves it and so do I. I know this is the suit I want to wear at my wedding.

Charlie's POV
Oliver and Tao are being really helpful. Tao is brutally honest, but Oliver is the nice one who keeps me from killing Tao. I do value Tao's opinion, it helps a lot. I want a navy blue tux so that it matches our color scheme. I try on a couple that just don't feel right. I end up going to every store of my half except one and don't find anything. As we enter the last store we have I try on a couple more, and don't love any of them. As I'm rummaging through the few tuxes I haven't looked at I see one navy blue tux with gold buttons. It's perfect. It fits our color scheme exactly. I grab it and try it on. It fits perfectly. It's the one I want to wear when I marry the love of my life. I call Nick that I'm finished and coincidentally he finished 5 minutes earlier. We meet at the car, and go home. We spend the rest of the night trying to get each other to spill what each other bought. Neither of us would give in. I am so excited to see what Nick picked out, and for him to see what I got. I fall asleep to the pleasant thoughts of Nick in suits and tuxes. I can't imagine what he bought, but I know he will look good in whatever it is.

683 words

This wasn't written as well as I would have liked, but it's late and I just want to go to bed haha. Thank you @dsperber628 for this idea through the comments on my last chapter! Please vote the chapters if you enjoyed. If there is anything else you want before the wedding leave it in the comments!!

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