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Nick starts standing up. I follow his lead. I have an idea of where this is going. He starts to get down on one knee, and I just start crying. "Char,  you are truly the most amazing person I have ever met.  You light up my life. I know that sounds cheesy, buts it's true. You walk into a room and my mood just improves. You are such a special person to me. You are the most amazing person. You know me better than I know myself. We can have fun doing absolutely anything. You are my world, my best friend, and you are my person. You are the only person I need for the rest of my life. Before meeting you I was living in repeat. My friends were horrible, my life was overall just boring. You brought so much more to my life. You brought me joy, laughter, and you let me look forward to each day. You made me realize so many things. I thought I was straight until I met you. The moment you walked into form I felt this rush come over me. I pushed it away and thought it was just excitement to meet someone new, but looking back on it that rush I felt was love. I loved you then, I love you now, and I will love you forever. Charlie Francis Spring would you make me happier than you already have and marry me?" Nick finishes. I am shocked. I am speechless. I nod my head aggressively flinging tears onto my shirt. Nick stands up and picks me up into a hug. He spins us around, and I start laughing over my tears. I remembered the ring in my pocket. I am going to save it. Nick got his proposal, and I will get mine. I didn't propose first, but I guess Nick gets a turn. I have finally calmed down so I say, " Nick?"

"Yeah Char?" Nick asks in return.

"Are we are engaged now?" I ask because this moment felt so surreal.

"Do you see the ring on your finger?" Nick asks. "Yeah," I reply. "That ring means I am going to marry you," Nick answers.

"Nick I love you so much," I say.

"Obviously I love you too or I wouldn't be engaged to you," Nick says in a sarcastic tone. He lays down on our picnic blanket and pats the area beside him signaling for me to lay down. I lay down and I feel too far away, so I get up and lay back down on top of him.

"Char what are you doing?" Nick asks while laughing. As he laughs I can feel his stomach shaking under me.

"I wasn't close enough when I was beside you. Is this uncomfortable? I can get off," I say lifting my head up looking into his eyes.

"No stay," he says. "I like it. I can smell your hair because its all in my face," he says giggling.

"You smell my hair?" I ask out of complete shock.

"You know I gave a thing for your hair," he says.

"I have a thing for your arms," I say. I think it may be obvious, but this confession still embarrasses me a little bit.

"Oh do you now? I can't believe you are mine. All mine. How? You are too perfect."

"Nick stop you are far more perfect than me," I say.



"Can we cuddle for the rest of our lives?" Nick asks.

"We can cuddle forever," I say. I end up drifting off while still on top of him. I can feel my body shift up and down as he breathes. If I died this would be the moment I would want to relive forever.

628 words

This wasn't as good as I would have hoped, so I will probably rewrite it tomorrow!! I just wanted to publish something so I didn't leave you hanging for too long!! Please vote the chapters if you enjoy them!!

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