16. <3

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I am skipping ahead again, I am going forward in time by 8 months!

Nick's POV
I wake up looking at my beautiful fiancée. I can't believe in a month we will be getting married. We basically act as if we already are though. We own our own flat, we are always with each other, we tell each other everything. We truly are inseparable. As I am lying in bed thinking about our future, I hear a faint, "Nick?" I turn to see my gorgeous almost husband staring at me.

"Good morning fiancée," I say to him.

"Good morning husband-to-be," he replies.

"You look adorable," I say giving him a smile.

"I try," he says before kissing me. We still have a few last minute plans and arrangements we need to set up for our wedding. We decided to have a small wedding with just our closest family and friends. Which means I didn't invite David or my dad. Charlie has been an amazing wedding planner. I think if he wasn't so set on being a music teacher I could definitely see a career for him. We have been working as a team and we have both made some comprimieses, but for the most part we have agreed on pretty much everything. Today Charlie and I decided we were going to have our bachelor party. We are combining ours because we share the same friends so there is really no point in having two. It'll be Charlie, Tao, Aled, Oliver, and me. We also don't have a lot of friends. We would have invited Tara, Darcy, and Elle but apparently a bachelor party is supposed to all be men? I think it's stereotypical but everyone seems to follow it. Charlie's best man is of course Tao, and I am having a best woman. I decided that a long time ago because while Aled is nice, I never got extremely close with him. Tara is going to be my best woman because she is a huge part of helping me come out and realize I was bi. She really deserves a lot of credit. Along with Otis, Sai, and Christian being groomsmen. Charlie has Aled, Elle, and Darcy as his grooms man and women. We decided Oliver would be our ring barrer and Tori's daughter Lilah as our flower girl. Charlie asked Tori to be one of his groomswomen, but she refused due to not wanting attention and not wishing to wear a dress. A couple hours later everyone arrived. We played a few board games and Oliver won every single one. We watched a movie, and then we played truth or dare.

"Dare," Tao says in confidence.

"Umm okay eat a raw egg," Charlie tells him. I go get Tao an egg and he cracks it straight into his mouth. It takes him a couple minutes to swallow the whole thing, but somehow he does it. "Okay Tao your turn."

"Nick truth or dare?" Oh no.

"Tao hates me he is bound to give me something disgusting so truth," I say truthfully.

"Chicken," Tao remarks. "Do you love Nellie or Charlie more?" I hate this question. Obviously I love Charlie more, but saying it feels like I am betraying Nellie. "I guess Charlie," I say in a sarcastic tone. "You guess?" Charlie asks jokingly. "You know I love you more. I love you more than anything and anyone."

"Ok moving on," Tao was not putting up with our affection today. Even though when him and Elle are together they are the same way. We continue playing truth or dare for awhile until everyone eventually heads home around 10:00 pm. I am exhausted, and as I turn around from shutting the door behind them I see Charlie curled up asleep on the couch so I guess he was tired too.

642 words

Guys I am running out of ideas of things to happen before the wedding, but if there is anything you want me to include please let me know! Please vote the chapters!!

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