7. <3

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Nicks POV
I wake up and Charlie is still fast asleep with his arm on my chest, and our legs intertwined. I reach over and check my phone. 6:24 am. I go on instagram for awhile and I notice this ad. It's a picture of a puppy in the middle of an open field that's filled with flowers. It's a golden retriever. I decide to click on the ad, and read over the details and location of this perfect dog. I continue reading the page.

This is Bella. She is a golden retriever puppy at about 30 weeks old (About 7 months). Bella is filled with love and happiness. She is always up for a walk, or a cuddle. She is house broken, and she is very well behaved. She is trained in the basic commands (Sit, stay, come, lay down). She is the perfect starter puppy.

She would be perfect for Charlie and I. I slip out from under Charlie's arms. I write a quick note and leave it on Charlie's phone. I try leaving the apartment as quietly as possible. As soon as I get in the Jeep I put on my podcast, and start driving. Bella is about 30 minutes away, so I think I will make it back before Charlie wakes up. I arrive at the facility and walk inside. I meet a lady at the front desk, and answer some basic questions about our apartment. I then fill out what feels like mountains of paperwork. My hand is cramping, but Bella is sooo worth it. I finally finish all of the forms. The lady takes me back to meet Bella. She leads Bella and I into an empty room to see how I like her. The lady provided me with a few toys to use. I played tug of war with Bella for awhile, and then she just walked over and curled up into my lap and fell asleep. I was melting on the inside. I knew I wanted to get her. I told the lady this was the perfect dog. I bought her as soon as I could, and headed out to the car. I got her situated on the passenger seat. I decided to wait until Charlie met her to buy her everything. He wouldn't want to miss that. I get in the car, and drive home.

Charlie's POV
I woke up, and sat up immediately. Where was Nick. I couldn't feel his hair pressed against me cheek, I couldn't feel his arms wrapped around me, I couldn't feel his breath hitting my shoulder as he slept. Where was Nick I ask myself again. I grab my phone to call him, and a slip of paper falls into my lap. I pick it up. It reads, 'Hey Charlie, I've gone to get you a surprise. Stay in the bedroom please <3.' I assume he's gone to get me coffee. He does that sometimes. I just pass the time by going on my phone, and watching Stranger Things. An hour later I hear the door open. I hear him walk up the stairs towards the bedroom. He barely opens the door. I'm not sure what he's hiding he has never hid my coffee before.

"Charlie please don't be mad," Nick says.

"Nick why would I be mad?" I ask.

"I made an impulse decision," Nick says. He sounds scared. It's making me scared.

"Nick you're scaring me," I tell him. He opens the door more and reveals A PUPPY?!

"NICK YOU DIDN'T," I scream.

"Are you mad?" He asks. He sounds worried.

"No Nick I love it. Is it a boy or a girl? I don't want to have to refer to it as it." I say laughing?

"It's a girl. Her name is Bella." Nick replies.

"Nick I love her." I say. Nick brings her over to the bed and we all sit together. I'm holding Bella on my lap. She is falling asleep in my arms. I am dying, she's so cute.

"I love you so much," I say while turning my head to meet Nicks eyes.

"I love you more," he says giving me a kiss on the cheek.

-Time Skip-

Nick's POV

We got to the pet store and start shopping. Charlie is holding my hand, our fingers intertwined. Bella is curled into the nook of my other arm. She is small enough that I can hold her safely with just one arm. We are picking out her dog food and Charlie is researching each one and finding the one with the best ingredients. It is soooo cute. We find her the perfect food, and start walking to the toy aisle. Charlie goes overboard. He is picking out so many toys and treats. We find her a bed that is probably big enough to fit 4 of her, but it's cute and super fancy so we got it anyways. We checkout and the total is £166.55...oops. We get into the Jeep and Charlie holds Bella on his lap. He is so cute already but when you add the worlds cutest dog ugh I can't handle it. I drive for a couple minutes, and as I stop at a sign I lean over and give Charlie a quick kiss on the cheek.

"What was that for?" He giggles.

"You and Bella just have such a strong effect on me," I say while also laughing.

"Not gonna lie in the store when you were holding her I felt the same way," he says and I see that his cheeks turn a rosy pink.

"Oh did you?" I ask while turning into our apartment parking lot.

"Oh I did. I just wanted to make-out right then and there," he says in a very sarcastic tone.

"Charles Spring I love you," I say while getting out of the car. I walk around to his side and open the car door for my prince. I open his door, and he jumps down. He still has Bella wrapped up in his arms. "I love you too," he says and then stands on his toes so he can give me a kiss. He is shorter than me by a couple inches, which I think makes him even more adorable.

1045 words

Guys I rewrote this entire chapter because I hated it the first time, I didn't realize it was this long tho 😭 sorrrryyyyyy!!

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