27. <3

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Charlie's POV
This has been the most picture-perfect honeymoon. Nick and I have spent every day together, not that we don't typically, but the feeling of being married and spending every day together makes the already perfect life so much perfecter (I'm aware this isn't a word, but it's the only thing that seems adequate enough to describe Nick and I). We are staying in an all-inclusive resort so we have been taking advantage. We spend every day eating the best food, and I have had no problem doing so. We go to the beach, go shopping, and obviously we spend some alone time in our room ;). I usually wake up later than Nick at home, but the time difference has really affected my schedule. I'm not complaining though it just means I get to stare at the most perfect piece of my life for a littleeee longer. I feel like I've been staring at Nick for 5 minutes, but it has apparently been an hour and a half. Nick slowly starts to roll over opening his eyes slowly as he adjusts to the light. Ugh he is perfect. We take a moment and just stare at each other. My beautiful beautiful boy.

Nick's POV
Every couple days Charlie and I just take a couple minutes in bed to just admire each other. I adore this part of our life even though the general population would probably refer to it as cringe or cheesy I simply do not care. I lay in bed watching Charlie's mannerisms. His slight smile when I gently tug at a curl to watch it recoil. His aggressive blushing when I call him adorable or cute. The way his nose scrunches up so he doesn't have to move his hand from my hair to itch it. The way his eyes lose their sparkle for a second when I ask what's for breakfast, but quite quickly regain that beautiful glimmer. I am so proud of Charlie. He has done so well with eating while on our honeymoon. He has eaten 3 meals a day, everyday. I'm not forcing him or anything he doesn't need help he is doing incredible on his own. We have our hands in each others hair and I can hear Charlie's stomach growling and I'm equally as hungry, but neither one of us want to move.

Charlie's POV
Nick and I finally work up the courage to leave our warm, safe bed to venture out to get some breakfast. We decide on a cute cafe spot inside the hotel. Nick gets french toast, and I order a waffle with some fruit. I have done pretty well with eating recently, but everytime food gets put in front of me I have a couple seconds of panic. Once I look up at Nick I feel at ease again. Everything will be fine. Nick loves me just as much as I love him. Life could not be more perfect. "Can I try yours?" I ask Nick.
"Of course, but only if I get a taste of yours as well please?" Nick replies. Although I'm not sure why he asked because he is already cutting himself a piece. "This is reallyyyy good," Nick declares with a large piece of waffle still in his mouth.
"Oh no. No no no. You do NOT get to switch plates. You chose the french toast."
"Share?" Nick asks giving me a look that is not helping him beat the golden retriever allegations.
"Fineee." I reply sliding my plate over a little more so he has an easier reach. I act like I hate it, but Nick and I both know I love sharing food. This also means that I'm right which is always nice to hear Nick admit. I grab my phone out quickly and take a candid photo of Nick eating my waffle. "Gotcha," I say while letting out a small giggle. Nick reaches for my phone to delete the picture, but I pull it away just in time.
"It makes up for the ones I got when you were sleeping last night." Nick says as if I wouldn't catch on that he was taking pictures of me while I was asleep. We both laugh and finish our breakfasts in no rush at all. We have no responsibilities other than to love each other, and we have been doing that for awhile now we have gotten pretty good at it.

781 words

I'm trying to stay somewhat active on here. I'm always open to new ideas so just let me know in the comments if there is anything you want to see. Please comment and vote the chapters, love you guys!!

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