Chapter Thirty-Three

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After much contemplation and thinking, he decided to give Maureen a call to at least know what business they both have with each other and if it's something he would want to add to his line of business.

He stood up from the bed but made sure that Elle wasn't awake then went to the dresser table to pick up the card she gave him and his phone then he went outside the room but was careful to close the door so that he doesn't wake her up.

Making his way down the stairs, he went to sit on one of the kitchen stools then switched his phone on and typed her phone number before pressing the dial button and waiting for her to pick up.

He looked at the card again as he waited for her to pick it up.

The phone rang for almost a minute and when it didn't look like she was going to pick up, he was about to disconnect when a female voice spoke.

"Mike?" she breathes.

"Yes, it's me... what business do you have for me?" he asked immediately and Maureen couldn't help but smile at his straightforward question.

"Can't wait to know what the deal I have for you entails, eh?" she chuckled.

"If you asked me to call you just to waste my time, let me know so that I can hang up and get back to bed," he said harshly and she scowled.

"Oh shut up, my cousin is the one wasting her time on a man who has no common shame and would jump at the opportunity he sees to get what he wants even if it takes him to hurt someone he promised the world to" she snapped at him and Mike couldn't help but feel insulted by what she said to him.

"So, you just wanted to insult me? That was why you wanted me to call you? This is ridiculous, now I see why Elle felt skeptical about you coming over" he hissed and was about to hang up when she spoke up again.

"You know nothing about me, my cousin, and whatever entails in between us so it's better you just remain that useless boyfriend she has and don't stick your nose in our business," he told her and he could feel the breath leaving his nose become hotter by the seconds.

She was provoking him and every word she spoke angered him to the call, if only he could produce steam, then he would have cooked the whole room at the moment, how dare she? How dare she talk to him in that manner?

He made her so worked up a bit but she was glad that she was able to gain control of how she felt about the way he spoke with her and just retort by making him sound useless which she sees him as in fact.

"Well, as I said when I came to visit you guys earlier, I do have an offer for you and I am so sure that when you hear it, you will not think twice before accepting it," she said and he let out an annoyed sigh.

"Will you at least say it and stop wasting my time?" he asked already irritated by her.

"I know about your ex, Bethany, and how much you love her but because you cheated on her with my cousin, you decided to leave her and be with Elle instead so now that you've seen her after some years from not hearing from her, I am so sure that there are some feelings that are awakened by just seeing her looking happy after leaving her that way" she states.

He didn't want to agree but when he heard her mention Bethany, he found himself being attentive to what she wanted to say, and if it would really be in his favor as she claims then maybe his plan to get her back could be possible.

"Yes, what about her? What do you have to offer concerning her?" he demanded in a harsh tone and she couldn't help but smile at that.

He was getting interested and it was just the opening she needed to plant her ideas in him so that together they could make it work.

What We Deserve (Richardo And Bethany) BWWM [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now