Chapter Fourteen

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"The food here is pretty nice" Bethany compliments after cleaning her mouth with the napkin and chewing her food gently.

Ricardo nods with his mouth full of shrimp "It is the best I know of here" he said with his mouth still full.

She chuckled and took a sip of juice from her glass. They both are dining at 'Tra led restuarnat', the restaurant has a variety of dishes from about six countries and is a local but the best in that area.

Ricardo had spotted it one time he went for a business meeting and thought it would be nice to take Bethany out on a date. Gwen is staying with his mother at home since she came back from Italy.

"Sometimes I wonder if Gwen is an adult in a little girl's form," Ricardo said with a laugh, they were talking about family, friends, and school, then it went over to Gwen.

"I can't deny she is bold and adorable," Bethany said taking another forkful of her desert "I need to take this home, it is so good," she said with some cake in her mouth "Sorry" she covered her mouth.

Ricardo stopped eating, grinned at her, put his hand on the table, placed his chin on his palm, and just stared as she ate and talked. 'She is cute' his inner mind tells him and he agreed to it.

She was wearing a cream spaghetti strap gown that fitted her well, paired with silver heels and a purse, her dark curls were braided in two and decorated with a petal flower accessory

"What?" she said cutting his train of thought "why are you looking at me that way?" she asked finishing her last piece of cake.

"'s nothing, you are beautiful" he took her hand in his and placed a kiss on it.

She blushed at that and tried taking her hand from his grip but he didn't let go, instead, he kept looking into her eyes with a bright smile on his face.

She stared back into his eyes and when she couldn't take it anymore, she blushed the more and looked away from his gaze, she tried to fight the smile that was playing on her lips but couldn't. She has had guys stare at her, but it didn't affect her like this, not even Mike's stare cou...

What are you thinking about? Her inner thoughts asked her and the smile on her face faded a bit and she felt a little tinge in her heart remembering him.

Maybe she has not fully gotten over him. Maybe she kept deceiving herself that she was totally over him. Maybe Ricardo could help her recover. Maybe he could replace Mike in her life and repair her shattered heart. Maybe...

What are you thinking about Beth? You're on a date with a man and still thinking of the one who didn't care if you were miserable after dumping you? Her inner self scolded her.

Her brows furrowed a bit and she raised her head to look at the handsome man looking at her in adoration. She felt a little guilty. She hasn't gotten over Mike yet and is thinking Ricardo will be a that what Janie calls it? It would be totally unfair to him if that was her intention.

"What happened?" he asked and brushed his hand lightly on her cheeks kissing her palm again.

She felt her face flush at that gesture and sat up properly then look at him in the eyes.

"Uh... it's nothing, just thi-"

"You have beautiful eyes" he interrupts what she was going to say, and she smiled biting her lips in the process. His eyes went there for a while before licking his lips and placing another kiss on her palm.

"You know, I don't think I have experienced this happiness with anyone as I am experiencing with you at the moment," he said looking at her palm and tracing circles on her palm, tickling her a bit. "You're ticklish," he said looking back at her eyes.

She giggled then looked at his face and saw a playful grin on his face, her smile slowly faded.

"Do not tickle me" she warned playfully.

"Remind me not to" he winked at her and she returned it with a playful glare. "Gwen gives me joy, she is my daughter and I love spending time with her, but I enjoy every moment with you more than I do with anyone else"

She snorts

"I am sure you tell this to all the women you dated" she gave a playful look.

"Girls, you mean? I want you to be my woman" he said kissing her palm for the hundredth time. "Be my girlfriend?" he asked.

Oh, stupid Beth, thinking she was going to use him as her rebound made her know how stupid she thought. There is still a little part of her that loves Mike mostly because he was her first love, but this handsome man is asking her to be his girlfriend, something Mike never did, she just assumed because they shared kisses after kisses and he said he liked her. She never clarified what they had and just went with the flow.

This man here is asking her and who knows he might be her true love. Like she heard 'True Love overtakes First love'. He might be her true love, although she plans on taking it slow this is a step forward and she was glad he asked.

Smiling brightly, she entwined her fingers with his and brought them closer to her lips, and played a kiss there.

"Yes, I would be your girlfriend" she replied and he winked at her and leaned in to kiss her on the cheek.

"Now, do you want to leave here and go somewhere?" he asked putting some bills on the table and getting out of his chair to pull her chair for her.

"Thank you" she stood and held his outstretched hand and they walked out of the restaurant. "I would like us to go watch a live soccer match, but I guess I am overdressed for that" she looked down at her dress.

He opened the car door and she slipped inside before closing the door and going to the driver's seat, when he was settled, he turned to her.

"I never knew you were a soccer lover"

"I am, I used to watch them with Zedd all the time since we were kids, and one time my Mum bought a ball for him, we played in the house, sometimes breaking something and getting punished for it" she chuckled "We've been warned so we expected it, sometimes we play on the field too" she replied as he kept looking at her in admiration.

"Do you have a favorite club?" he asked

"Yes, Barcelona, you?"

"Manchester United" he replied.

"You and Zedd are supporting the same team"

"I know, so you want to go to a live soccer match?" he scrolled through his phone looking for any match available.

"Yes, I do, but our clothes...isn't too much for a football match, when I watch football, I like to be comfortable" she explained.

"Our clothing isn't a problem, we can go buy some casual clothing and go for the match, I found one already" he showed his phone to her. "It's a local match"

"That's fine, let's go then," she said buckling her seatbelt and he did the same.

"Let's roll" he drove out of the parking lot and towards a close-by clothing store.


If you must know I am a Barcelona fan, I have loved watching football since I was little with my older brother and it brought a smile to my face that I could add to this chapter.

What We Deserve (Richardo And Bethany) BWWM [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now