Chapter 41

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The group of students looked up at Doku's match, shocked as she broke through Vlad's defense. They watched as the man fell to the floor with a thud, Doku quickly cuffing him.

"Wow! She turned the tables on him!" Uraraka cheered, raising her fist in the air.

"She did it!" Midoriya gasped, and Tsu nodded with a hum.

Iida stared up at the screen, both hands on the rail since he had been gripping the metal so hard in anticipation while watching Fuyo's match. He grinned widely as he watched the girl on the screen straighten back up.

"I knew she could do it!" He cheered, releasing the railing as he proudly crossed his arms.

Fuyo tilted her head upwards as she gazed at the cracked ceiling. Iida's eyes widened in surprise as he gasped softly. Fuyo's eyes had softened, an extremely rare sight. What had absolutely shocked the boy, however, was the gentle smile that graced her lips. His heart skipped a beat at the sight, heat quickly rushing to his cheeks. He blinked, taking in the moment. He was at an absolute loss for words as he stared at the girl, acknowledging just how far she had come.

Iida's expression settled into a sincere smile as he gazed up at the screen in admiration for the young hero in training. He knew this was a big step in the right direction, and he wasn't going to just glaze past this.

"Oooh! Iida's in looove!" A teasing giggle snapped the boy out of his trace and he jumped violently.

"What?! Don't say such things Uraraka! I'm simply happy for Doku!" Iida yelled, the pink hue on his cheeks deepening to a red as he frantically shook his hands.

"She did amazing!" Midoriya exclaimed, clearly impressed by the fight. "I mean her Quirk was great before, but now- I mean! It's so awesome! And her strategy! She read her opponent well despite not knowing who he even was prior to this exercise! And who knew she could peirce through Mr. Vlad's blood! Oh and!-"

"Deku, you're rambling again." Uraraka sheepishly chuckled, and the boy immediately stopped, his face going red in embarrassment.

"Man, that'll never not be creepy." A new voice interjected at the doorway of the room.

"Doku! Ah- sorry!" Midoriya apologized, clasping his hands together and bowing frantically before the girl as she now stood in front of him.

"Dude, chill out. It's fine." Fuyo shot the green haired boy a weirded out look as he apologized again.

"Fuyo! Congratulations! I'm so glad you passed!" Iida quickly engulfed the shorter girl in a hug, causing her to yell loudly.

"What the hell?! Let go, Tenya! You're being embarrassing!" She screamed, trying to peel away from the boy, but he only tightened his hold on her.

"Tenya, I'll kill you! I swear to god!" Fuyo growled, her face betraying her tough tone as her cheeks were dusted with a deep red hue. The boy let her go as he laugh heartily at her annoyance.

"Congrats, Doku! I'm so proud!" Uraraka cheered loudly, jumping in excitement.

"Uh, thanks..." Fuyo awkwardly accepted, not quite used to the praise she was getting.

"Let's get you fixed up, honey." Recovery Girl, who they all forgot was even there, interrupted the scene. She took a look at Fuyo's injuries, treating her as she smiled softly at the young girl.

"You should be proud of yourself, darlin'." Recovery Girl stated, and Fuyo blinked.

"Really? You think so?" She asked, and the older woman laughed at her cluelessness.

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