Chapter 34

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Iida had left earlier so he could get to class 10 minutes early. He begged me to come with him, but I told him I couldn't stomach being early to class for the third time in a row.

I walked into the classroom to hear Kirishima and Sero laughing loudly as Bakugo growled lowly.

"What happened to your hair, Bakugo?!" They cried, and the blonde fumed in anger.

"What the hell are you two lau-" I cut myself off as I looked over at Bakugo. I choked, bursting into a loud laughter with the other two.

"Oh my god! Your hair!" I laughed, pointing at it. "That's so embarrassing!" I laughed, pointing out his flustered expression.

"Stop laughing! My hair's gotten used to this, and I can't get it back the right way! Did you hear me?! I'll kill you both!" Bakugo shook with rage as he looked down in embarrassment.

"I'd like to see you try, pretty boy!" Sero teased, and Bakugo yelled loudly.

"What did you call me?!" He screamed, and his hair exploded back to its usual mess.

"There it goes!" We laughed, and the blonde began threatening all three of us again.

"Hey, Doku! How was your internship?" Mina called out, and I looked at the other girls. Endeavor's ugly face flashed across my mind, and immediately dimmed.

"Fine." I replied, crossing my arms with a scowl.

"Well she switched up fast." Jiro muttered, pointing out my attitude.

"What about you, Ochako? How was your week?" Tsu asked the brown haired girl. We looked over at Uraraka to see a determined look on her face as she steadily punched the air.

"I'd say that it was very enlightening." She replied as she continued fighting the empty space in front of her. I raised a brow, and everyone stared at her in confusion.

"I think she found her fighting spirit." Tsu stated.

"Yeah, that battle hero must've been something else..." Jiro agreed, watching Uraraka in her weird trance.

"After one week, it's like she's a totally different person." Kaminari stated from the other side of Uraraka.

"Different?" Mineta spoke up. "Don't be fooled, Kaminari." He shook his finger ad the blonde looked at him in confusion.

"Women are demons at heart. They just hide their true personalities behind pretty faces..." Mineta shook in fear as he chewed on his fingers.

"What the hell...?" I muttered, grimacing at the short boy.

"What did Mt. Lady do to you?" Kaminari looked at Mineta in concern, pulling his hands away from his mouth.

"Hopefully beat the hell out of him." I grumbled, crossing my arms.

"Everyone at my internship loved me. It was actually kind of great. You wanna talk about the ones who really changed," Kaminari glanced over at me, Midoriya, Todoroki, and Iida. "It was those four."

"Oh yeah! The Hero Killer!" Sero spoke up, referring to our fight with Stain. Oh, that's right, they think Endeavor's grumpy ass saved us.

"I'm glad you guys made it back alive, seriously." Kirishima nervously smiled as both he and Sero were being held at the collar by Bakugo.

"I worried about you too." Yaoyorozu spoke up, shooting us a concerned look.

"You were lucky Endeavor showed up and saved you guys." Sato added as everyone gathered around us.

"Yeah, so lucky." I sarcastically replied, and Iida gently elbowed me. I forgot I'm supposed to be praising Endeavor as my hero.

"So cool! Just as I'd expect from the number two hero!" Hagakure gushed over the salty man.

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