Chapter 15

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Once everyone settled down, I walked to lunch with Midoriya, Uraraka, and Iida.

"Hey, Uraraka?" Midoriya spoke up.

"What's up?" She replied turning to look at the boy.

"Why did you decide to come to UA? What made you wanna be a pro hero?" Midoriya asked, and I perked up in interest.

"Oh... Well... Because..." She looked away and muttered something.

"Uh- For the money?" Midoriya repeated, and I blinked.

"You wanna be a hero so you can get rich?" Midoriya asked, and Uraraka nervously scratched the back of her head.

"If we're cutting to the chase, then, yeah. I'm sorry if it sounds greedy. You two have such admirable motivations. I hope you don't think less of me now." She stated, referring to the two boys.

"Not at all! Your goal is to support your wellbeing, which is a perfectly admirable ambition to have!" Iida reassured the girl.

"Yeah, I get that." I shrugged before crossing my arms.

"Mm‐hm. It's just kinda surprising." Midoriya agreed.

"Well, you see, my family owns a construction company, but we haven't gotten any work lately, so we're flat broke. Anyway, this isn't really something I usually tell other people, but..." Uraraka trailed off.

"Construction, huh?" I repeated, thinking about how her Quirk ties into the business.

"If she got licensed, I bet she could use her Quirk to bring costs down a lot." Midoriya spoke up.

"And they could sell their heavy‐lifting equipment. She could float everything!" Iida added.

"I know, right? I've been telling Dad that since I was a kid! But... " She looked down. "I'm gonna become a pro. I'll sign with a good agency and make plenty of money. Then I'll be able to let my parents have an easy life!" She finished, giving us a determined look.

Iida and Midoriya gasped while I stared at her in surprise.

"That's beautiful! So noble! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!" Iida clapped.

"Yeah. That's so heartwarming." I clapped along with Iida, but less enthusiastically.

"Oh! I almost forgot! Why do you want to become a hero, Doku?" Midoriya turned towards me, and I paused.

"Huh, me? Why do you care?" I asked, turning towards the boys.

"Because it's better to know your friend's motivations!" Iida replied, and my eyes widened. Friends? Do they consider me their friends? I've never really had any before...

"Well, it's not as nice as Uraraka's." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"That doesn't matter. It's what's important to you." Midoriya reassured me.

"Yeah, come on! I'm so curious!" Uraraka encouraged as she jumped up and down. I sighed, deciding to tell them.

"It's to prove myself." I answered.

"To prove yourself?" Midoriya repeated, and I nodded.

"My whole life I've been told I could never be a hero, and nobody believed in me. All I want to do is help people, and stick it in their dumbass faces that I made it." I shrugged, not going into detail.

"That's... So sad!" Iida gripped his chest, and I raised a brow.

"Not really. It was normal." I yawned, feeling my exhaustion hit me again.

☆VILLAINOUS☆ (Iida X OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang