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"WE HAVE TO RESCUE HER!" Tamaki screamed, at whatever God-awful time he decided to wake up.

"SHUT UP, TAMAKI!" I yelled back, trying to sleep. It was barely the start of summer vacation and he would not--for the life of me-- let me sleep in.

And just like that, I was dragged to Karuizawa against my will. I thankfully didn't have to worry about my brother since he was vacationing with a friend of the family. I traveled by limo so that I could keep track of all the luggage while the boys went by Helicopter. After dropping off the luggage at the beach houses I was driven to the Pension where Haruhi and the boys were at.

I tied my hair into a ponytail and put my shades on before I stepped out of the Limo. I walked inside where everyone was.

"Nara-Senpai!" Haruhi gasped with excitement, glomping me in a hug, catching my surprise.

"Hello, I've come to save you!" I chimed, hugging her back. I took off my shades and rested them on the top of my head.

"Wow, she never hugs us," The twins huffed.

"I wonder why," I said sarcastically with the roll of my eyes.

"Well aren't you the prettiest boy I've seen yet!" The owner chimed, making me freeze.

The twins covered their mouths as they snickered and Tamaki looked horrified. Was it the red Hawaiian shirt? Or the boyish Kahki shorts? Wait, it's my lack of breasts and feminine physique. I forgot about that factor.

"Um, Misuzu-chi, that's a girl," Haruhi whispered.

"Oh! I'm so sorry," She stammered. 

"It's okay," I squeaked in anguish.

The boys started this refreshment game to see who'd be staying in the last room. I noticed Tamaki was slouched in defeat as he sat in front of the broken fence. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the hammer from him.

I pulled the nails out of the broken fencing with the back of the hammer and replaced it with a new board. I hammered in some new nails and then shoved them back into the ground, enforcing some new soil around the area.

"How'd you do that?" Tamaki shouted in astonishment.

"My grandfather used to have a ranch. I learned a thing or two I guess," I shrugged before walking over to where Kyoya was.

"So, are you going to try to win?" Kyoya asked me as I sat down. 

"Nah, the twins are way too competitive. Besides, I'm kind of hoping Tamaki wins so that I don't have to share a bed with him. The guest bedrooms are currently under construction for remodeling," I grumbled. "Then again, I could just go check in without any of them knowing," I said slyly.

"You could, but I don't think that would go over well with Tamaki or the twins," Kyoya pointed out.

"I know," I sighed, resting my head on the table. I heard the soft sound of the piano filling my ears. I lifted my head and looked into the Pension windows to see Tamaki at the grand piano.

"You told him about the piano, didn't you?" I questioned.

"Possibly," Kyoya hummed.

"Look out!" I heard Kaoru's voice yell distantly followed by a loud crash. I was up instantly, quickly rushing to the side of the Pension where I heard the crash.

I arrived to see Hikaru holding his brother tightly while Haruhi sat there in shock.

"Are you guys alright? Is anyone hurt?" I asked worriedly, going up to the twins.

"I just got a little cut, I'll be alright," Kaoru reassured. 

"Haruhi, are you alright?" I questioned, helping her up and checking her over.

"I'm fine, I promise," She stammered. I let out a soft sigh of relief.

"A hundred refresher points for refreshing brotherly love! A perfect score! And the victory goes to the Hitachiin brothers!" Misuzu announced, making me jump.

"Wow, congrats guys," Haruhi said nonchalantly.

"Oh, it was nothing really," They both said slyly, grinning a mischievous grin.

"You planned that, didn't you? You guys really had me worried! Why would you go to such lengths to win a small competition!" I scolded the twins who merely pranced off to put their luggage into their new room.

I sighed. "Haruhi, I have a favor to ask of you?" I paged. 

"Yeah, what is it?" Haruhi replied, sweeping up the dirt and glass.

"Would it be alright if I shared a room with you?" I requested.

"I don't mind, but isn't your cottage nearby?" She questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Some of the rooms are being remodeled and I really don't want to share a bed with Tamaki," I pouted, my shoulders slumping. "Besides, I want to get back at him for dragging me here against my will. It'd be funny to see the look on his face when I waltz into your bedroom with my things, don't you think?" I chirped, with a sly smile.

"You're twisted. But yeah, it would be kind of funny," Haruhi scoffed. 

After dinner, I moved my luggage into Haruhi's room.

"Nara, are you ready to go?" Tamaki asked as I walked back down the stairs and into the lobby to say goodbye to the others.

"Didn't you hear, she's staying in Haruhi's room," Honey chimed.

Tamaki blanched and seemed to deflate. "My own Fiancée... betrayed me?" He squeaked.

The rest of the hosts left and I went back upstairs to get ready for bed. 

"Good night, Nara-Senpai," Haruhi yawned as I crawled into bed.

"Good night, Haruhi," I said softly, laying back into the soft pillows. Then I was out like a light.

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