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"NO HARUHI! THAT'S JUST REGULAR OLD TUNA! IT'S BY NO MEANS FANCY!" Tamaki screamed, waking me from my slumber.

"Shut up, Tamaki!" I shouted, rolling over and putting my pillow over my head. It was much too early for his antics.

I heard him scream once more and huffed, now thoroughly awake. I got out of bed and walked down the first flight of stairs to see Shima and the other housemaids congregated in the foyer.

"Good morning, Miss Nara, did you sleep well?" Shima asked.

 "Until Tamaki started screaming," I half-joked, walking down the rest of the stairs.

Tamaki came sprinting down the stairs in his school uniform. "Thank you, Shima. I'll be going now," Tamaki stammered.

"Where?" I went to ask, but Shima put her hand up, silencing me.

"I hate to be a bother Master Tamaki, but today is Sunday. Which means you don't have to go to school today, sir," Shima explained. She was planning something.

"Oh really? Well, why didn't you make me aware of that fact earlier?" Tamaki questioned.

"As your maid, it is my duty to help you, however, I want you to become a fine gentleman. So you must be able to recognize your own mistakes! Since you suddenly have so much free time on your hands, why don't we work on your manners?" Shima told him, dragging him off as he squirmed.

"But I have to make a call! Someone, please bring me a phone?" He shrieked frantically. I sighed as one of the maids brought him one.

"Hey, Kyoya, there's something I need to talk to you about," Tamaki started.

"He's having one of those weird dream moments again! He's being an idiot!" I shouted. 

"Shh! I am not, Nara!" He huffed.

"Whatever." I laughed, walking away.

"Shima, I'm going to go back to bed for another hour or so, okay?" I told her.

"Of course, my lady, sweet dreams," She smiled. I went back to my room and flopped onto my bed, going out like a light.

I was awakened the second time when I felt my shoulder being shaken gently. "Wake up, Miss Aoki! It's time to get dressed!" I heard the twin maids chime. 

Suddenly wide awake, I managed to roll over and jump out of bed on the opposite side of them. "Where did you two come from? Where are we going? Why are you two here? Who sent you?" I interrogated, in a ready-to-fight stance.

"We've been assigned to help you pick out some clothes for a Host Club outing. It's best if you comply," They chimed.

"Get out!" I growled. They bowed and left my room swiftly. I hurried and locked my room.

They were most likely going to be back. I picked out a white button-down and a dark green crew neck sweater with some black slacks. I slipped on my dress shoes before there was another knock at my door. I put my white hair up in a short ponytail. I huffed in frustration as my bangs tickled my eyes. I grabbed a clip and pinned them to the top of my head. 

I opened the door and let the maids escort me to the limo. 

"I can't believe you're dragging me with you," I grumbled at Kyoya and Tamaki.

When we arrived at Haruhi's apartment building and all got out of the limos. Tamaki was going over the rules for the hosts.

I noticed Haruhi looking over at us, shaking with anger. "Well, it's too late for that! Go away!" Haruhi shouted, looking livid. I didn't have to be told twice and went to go back into the limo but Kyoya grabbed the back of my shirt.

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