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I wore an oversized t-shirt and some athletic shorts, having my swimsuit on from last time underneath. I wasn't planning on swimming, especially after the resort incident.

"Nara-Senpai, where's your swimsuit?" Hikaru asked.

"Up your ass," I retorted.

Kaoru snickered. "You look like a middle school boy with that get up on. Besides, wont it be cooler if you just change into a swimsuit?" Kaoru teased.

I turned to them with a smile. "Run," I chirped.

Their facial expressions quickly changed from mischievous to absolute terror as I started to sprint after them. The boys shoved each other back and forth as I gained on them. Hikaru managed to trip Kaoru, making him stumble. I tackled Kaoru and held him in a headlock.

"I'm sorry Nara-Senpai! I'l do anything, please just let me go!" Kaoru begged as he squirmed.

"Anything?" I hummed.

"I take that back," He grunted, slipping out of my arms. 

"Kaoru! Get back here!" I shouted, getting up and running after him.

"I'm not Kaoru! I'm Hikaru!" He lied.

"That's a load of bull if I've ever heard it!" I growled. He ran over to Mori and hid behind him.

"Can I have him back, I have some unfinished business?" I asked him politely. 

"Yeah," Mori said softly, stepping out of the way while Kaoru shrieked.

I lunged at him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Honey-Senpai! Start digging!" I declared.

"You got it!" He chimed.

I held Kaoru while Honey dug quickly. "Nara-Senpai, please? I'm begging you! I'm too young to die!" Kaoru pleaded as he squirmed.

"Fine," I sighed, opening my arms and letting him go.

"Do you want me to bury you, Honey-Senpai?" I asked. 

His eyes got wide. "Yeah!" He cheered, eagerly lying down in the hole. 

Mori stopped by and he helped me cover Honey in the sand. I worked on his lower half while Mori scooped the sand onto his chest. 

"Honey, stop wiggling your toes!" I giggled. 

"I can't help it, the sand tickles!" He laughed.

After we had buried and unburied Honey I went back over to my chair to lay in the shade of my umbrella. I looked over towards the beach where I noticed there was a long line of girls. I looked toward the water to see Tamaki on a rock with another girl. 

I shuddered. Although I thought all the boys were handsome, I just couldn't see the appeal to hosting. 

"Nara-Senpai, are you going to go swimming at all?" Momoka asked me.

"I wasn't planning on it, why?" I asked.

"Well, Haruhi thinks really highly of you and we were just wondering if you'd like to hang out with us?" She requested, a slight blush tinging her cheeks.

"I suppose I could," I smiled.

"Awesome!" She cheered. I slipped off my shirt and my shorts, leaving them on my chair. 

I waded into the water where Momoka, Kimiko, and Ruri were. "Nara, I've noticed you used to have an engagement ring, who are you engaged to? Is it one of the hosts? How come you stopped wearing the ring?" Kimiko asked. 

"Oh, no. It's another boy in Canada. I've actually never met him," I fibbed.

"Oh wow! Do you know what he looks like?" Ruri asked. 

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