Chat Group Assemble

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Frank as made a chat group

Frank has named the chat group "Awesome Foursome"

Frank has added Holly

Frank has added Gee

Frank Hey I've made a chat group so we can organise some time together. Can someone add Anna cos I don't have her number

Holly has added Anna

Anna what's this about?

Frank Made a chat so we plan stuff we can do together

Gee hah! Funny chat name dude!

Anna ok, sounds like fun

Holly so what's the plans?

Frank thinking of doing a meal together, or maybe a day in the gardens, just us four?

Gee Like double dating

Frank As Gee said, lol

Holly Sounds good to me.

Anna like a picnic in the gardens?

Gee yeah, there's a really nice place down by the oak trees at the bottom. That would be good

Holly Someone has been exploring

Frank He likes to wander off on his own lol

Anna Haha! Weirdo

Gee Less of that Anna Dearest or no more fun for you

Anna Shh don't tell everyone

Holly Why not Anna, I already know haha!

Gee You girls been talking have you?

Anna Maybe!

Frank Hopefully good stuff about me!

Anna From what I hear, it's extremely good!

Frank Well Holly, sounds like someone's happy lol

Holly Shut up Frankie or you will get a slap!

Frank Promise?!

Gee Now now, less of the kink!

Frank So when we thinking of doing this?

Holly Well I'm working tomorrow morning till 2pm and Anna has the whole day off

Gee So the afternoon is good for you both?

Frank Probably be able to wrap recording up by around two o'clock and let the guys do their own thing

Anna That sounds good

Gee What about food?

Frank Always thinking of your stomach lol

Gee Can't help if I'm always hungry haha

Holly I can probably get Bobbie or Lizzie in the kitchen to make some sandwiches for us.

Anna There's a load of mini cakes and pastries that have been made too. I know Lizzie has been busy today.

Frank Cool, we can gather some of them.

Holly I know where they keep the nice cheese and fruit too so I will be able to pack some of that

Gee Cheese sounds good to me

Frank Bring strawberries

Gee Alcohol?

Anna Can we grab some beer bottles from the bar?

Holly I think I can get Ben to give us some.

Frank Let's get wasted!!!

Anna Oh dear, what have I agreed too? Haha

Frank Shots! Shots! Shots!

Holly No shots! Haha

Gee And naked pool time!

Holly Oh shit!

Anna GEE!

Frank Good plan man! Hahahahahaha

Anna Should I bring my swimming stuff?

Gee No need if your gonna be NAKED!

Anna Gee! Get your filthy mind out the gutter! Haha

Gee Can't help it! Hehe

Holly We will just see where the day/evening takes us I guess

Frank Holls, you working the next morning?

Holly No, Anna is. Why?

Frank You can stay at mine then

Holly Ok, sounds good to me

Anna Hehe I bet it does

Gee Lol

Anna So tomorrow at 2pm?

Holly Yeah, I will have to get out of my uniform first!

Frank Want me to help you?

Holly Maybe? Haha

Frank Cheeky!

Gee Or maybe save that till later!

Anna Oh, sounds like some people need some time alone!

Gee I agree!

Holly shh you two! Lol

Anna ok, so tomorrow at 2pm, by the oaks trees

Frank yes! Plan!

Gee see you lot tomorrow

Holly okay

Anna goes offline

Gee goes offline

Frank see you tomorrow Holls. Get a good night's sleep. Sweet dreams

Holly sweet dreams to you too

Holly goes offline

Frank goes offline

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