Eathan's POV

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I cleaned up the living area and the kitchen I turned out the lights and walked to the bedroom. I didn't want to wake Max up so I decided to take a quick shower before I climbed into the bed. I went into the bathroom and turned the shower on. I took my clothes off and walked in and just let the hot water flowing over my body. I got lost in my thoughts. I was thinking about how lucky I was to find Max. I wished it had been under better circumstances but I really feel like god brought us together. We had been thru so much together. I just want her to be happy. I love her more than anything in this world I would die for this woman. We will be happy as soon as we find the sick fuck that is tormenting her. I made a promise to her. I will always keep her safe. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I thought I heard a noise. I turned off the shower and listened everything was quiet. I decided that I would get out and take another one in the morning . I thru a towel around my waist and walked out of the bathroom. I thought I saw a shadowy figure standing by the bed. I raced to turn on the light and as i flipped a switch I felt something heavy hit me from the back I fell to the floor and everything went black.

When I woke up my eyes were flickering to get adjusted to the bright lite that was beaming down on me. I felt a throbbing pain in the back of my head. I tried to feel the back of my head when I realized that I was hanging from a pipe from hand cuffs.My feet touching the floor. I took a deep breath when bile formed in my throat. I was able to keep it down. The smell in the room was a putrid smell between death and vomit. I tried to keep calm but I felt extreme fear and my heart was beating fast. I was looking around when what I saw next made my heart skipped a beat. There lying in the floor was the clothes that Max was wearing the last time he saw her and they were cut up and there was a puddle of something in the floor beside them. He just stared with horror in his eyes when a door flew open . He glanced over and he could not believe his eyes when he saw who it was. " Detective Newton!" " Yes Eathan it is I Detective Newton." He walked over to me and punched me in the face. I was thrown back in shock. I kind of shook it off but i could feel the instant swelling."WHAT? WHY? WHERE IS MAX i SWEAR IF YOU HURT HER I WILL KILL YOU WITH MY BARE HANDS YOU SON OF A BITCH!" " Oh don't worry about your precious Max I am taking good care of her. I am showing her the same respect that all of you showed my daughter." "What are you talking about? Eathan do you remember Hanna Newton?" I looked at him confused. He pulled out a picture of a pretty young girl who looked around 13 or 14. " No I don't remember her. Well let me remind you.It was 15 years on the day your daughters went missing its been almost 18 years now. I let her go stay all night with her best friend Lisa. She was having a slumber party. The girls that were present was Sherry Tate, who is Bethany's mom, Tory Sims, who is Carly's mom,Lisa, who is Candy's mom and of course my Hanna who never lived long enough to have children because of what ya'll did. Think back 18 years Eathan." I was just a kid then I did a lot of stupid stuff back then. I don't remember a Hanna." Hanna was my world. Her mom left me and for another man.That killed me but they both got what they deserved in the end. I vowed that I would never let anyone ever hurt her again and I was keeping that promise tell you kids came along and hurt my Hanna. I trusted her to go to that slumber party. I trusted the parents to keep watch on the girls but that didn't happen. The girls had sneaked out that night to meet some boys in the woods. The boys were YOU, Chase Caldwell and Conner Ward. Ya'll brought some beer and the girls started drinking with ya'll. From what Hanna told me is that she had to use the bathroom so you and Chase walked with her because it was kind of dark. Then after she was thru she went to button her shorts up and Chase grabbed her around the waste and told you to grab her feet. She said she started screaming and ya'll threw her to the ground you held her wrist with one hand and your other hand over her mouth so the others wouldn't here her screams. Then he pulled her shorts down and crawled on top of my little girl and raped her then you traded places and it went on for about a half hour or so until the other girls started screaming her names. You guys just left her broken body laying there. I was woken up around 3 am by 2 policeman telling me that Hanna was in the hospital and she had been raped multiple times. I rushed to the hospital and there she was laying there with tubes coming out of her arms and barely conscious. I ask her what happen she couldn't respond til the next morning. She told me what happened and I went crazy and I was ready to kill you punks. She made me promise not to say anything. I didn't understand why. A few weeks later she returned to school and the shit she faced that first day was to much for her. She came home after school found my hand gun and shot herself in the head. I found a diary she kept and it told the reason she didn't want me to say anything because you had came by the hospital and apologized and during the few weeks that she stayed home you visited her several times. She stated she was in love with you. Then when she went back to school she was called a bitch,slut, skank whore among other things according to witnesses. I found her dead when I got home from work.To make a long story short I ended up in an institution but I vowed that everyone that was there that night would pay. I got out 5 years ago and I put my plan into place." "I think I remember her but I honestly don't remember ever raping anyone I swear. Why Max? Oh well Max was a bonus I had not planned on killing Lacey but she was feisty and the little bitch puked on me. I met max a few years after I came back to town. I fell hard for her but she just looked at me like I disgusted her. Then she met you and I knew I would never stand a chance."" I am sorry Newton. I don't remember that night. Why did you have to kill my Sadie?" If you hadn't done anything your wife and daughter would still be alive." I looked at him with evil in my eyes and it was like he punched me in the gut and at that exact moment that night came rushing back and I remembered everything only it was Conner that was with Chase not me. I was about to speak when he cut me off. I felt pain in my chest as he hit me with his fist. He then tooK a key out of his pocket an undid the cuffs. I fell to the floor he started kicking me. I tried to cover my head and I blacked out.

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