The Nightmare begins.....

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I opened my eyes. It was very dark. I felt pain in my wrist and realized I was hanging from a metal pipe by a pair of handcuffs.My feet were barely touching the floor. The smell was putrid.It smelled as if someone had died in here . I thought I was gonna vomit but I managed to keep the bile in my throat down. I heard water dripping from a distance. I tried to move but my wrist were cuffed so tight that it hurt to much to move.I felt to weak to scream not that anyone could here me anyway. I couldn't remember much that happened and I wasn't sure that I wanted to. I was about to drift off when I heard someone coming down what sounded like stairs. I tensed up. A light switch was turned on anda bright light filled the whole room.My eyes flickered and adjusted to the light and I heard a voice I knew all to well. It was Raspy and scruffy." Ms. Johnson welcome to my hell house. Soon you will find out why I brought you here and why I chose you and the others to suffer. If you would just gave up on finding Lacey. Then you my dear would not be here but you were stronger than the others . You just wouldn't give up. you and Eathan just wouldn't give up. You were so determined. I thought I could throw you off the trail so I set poor Larry up. Shit I even convinced him that he killed Lacey and Sadie." I thought you were convinced to until I read that diary of yours. I seen the questions you were asking yourself. Yes I knew about the diary. I have been watching you all this time. I was outside Your door when you were writing in it. You looked so beautiful sitting there with your long blond hair pulled to one side. I must say you don't look like the once broken young woman you were a few months ago. No you are lovely now and engaged. To bad for Eathan because he will never see his lovely Max ever again.Soon you will be in heaven with your daughter." I stood there looking at the devil himself.I choked backed the tears that was burning in my eyes."Detective Newton! He walked over to me and wiped a tear that escaped my eyes. "Oh Max don't worry I am gonna have some fun with you before I kill you." " YOU SICK BASTARD!" I screamed out.then I spit in his face. He took the sleeve of his shirt and wiped the spit off his face. "OH YOU STUPID FUCKING BITCH! You really shouldn't have done that." I screamed back " YOU FUCKING."and before I could get another word out I felt pain flare up in my face.He punched in the mouth. I could taste the metallic taste of the blood from my lip. I felt my face swelling up. Then I felt the breath knocked out of me as he punched me in the gut. I couldn't move he then took a knife and cut the gown I was wearing off of me. Then he cut my panties and bra off. I was standing there naked and in pain. I started shivering I felt sick. I could feel the bile rising in my throat. Then out it came I threw up all over him which made him even angrier. He took the knife and ran it down from my throat to my navel.He looked at me with pure evil in his eyes.I could feel the hot tears streaming down my face," Bitch! This was a warning I am not ready to kill you yet I am not through playing with you but don't cross me again because this was nothing compared to what I can do. I must say your daughter was a little fighter to and we know what happened there.I have to say I was sorry that I killed her first. She was a little spit fire that one was. She kept on yelling out my mommy is going to kill you! You hurt her Lacey!You are very very bad man! I could handle her screaming anymore so I grabbed her with one hand picked her up off the floor and squeezed until the color drained from her face and she fell limp. I decided to lay her under the tree in the park because she was no use to me anymore." Bile rose in my throat and I could hold it down. Only this time he moved out of the way and I released it. I started dry heaving after a few minutes.He waited til I was finished walked back up to me. He licked the side of my face. He then took a key from his pocket and I fell to the floor in the pool of vomit that I had just released. I was gagging he grabbed me by the hair and dragged me across the floor and up a set of stairs.At the top of the stairs there was a long hallway. He drug me down pass a few doors and stopped. He opened the door and threw me in. I heard him lock the door. I looked around and noticed it was a bathroom. I grabbed a hold of the counter and pulled myself up.I looked in the mirror at a face I did not recognize. I turned around to see a shower. I turned the water on. it was so hot to where I could just barely stand it. I stepped in and gave my body a minute to adjust to the water there was a clean washcloth with a bar of soap lying on top of it.I just stood there and let the water flow over my body. I started to cry and I sat down. I had my knees up to my chest and my hands cupped around them. I started rocking and processing everything that sick bastard had just told me. I finally got the strength to stand up. I grabbed the wash cloth and began washing myself as the pain started to set in. Every inch of my body was aching and I had felt like I had been hit by a semi. I was moving really slow. I was almost thru when I heard a banging on the door that caused me to freeze. I just stood there frozen until I hears his voice telling me that I had 5 minutes and he was coming in to help me get dressed. The tears were steaming down my face,my stomach started churning and I felt sick again. I tried to hurry and just as I stepped out of the shower and turned the water off the door flew open. I was standing there dripping like a wet dog. I began shivering as he walked over to me and wrapped a large towel around me. " Follow me I will show you where you will reside for the remainder of your stay. If your a good girl I may let you live another week. I haven't decided how I am going to end your pretty little life yet." I followed him down a staircase. We stopped and he turned to me with nothing but darkness in his eyes and said something that really confused me. " You all took her away from me now I am going to finish making you pay." I had no Idea who he was talking about and I wasn't about to ask him at this very second. I just kept following him down a long hallway. We were passing doors that had little windows in them. We got to the end and he opened the door and pushed me in I fell to the floor. He flipped a switch and a bright light came on. I looked around and I was surprised to see what looked to be a comfortable bed and a desk with a chair. On top of the desk there was what looked to be a notebook and a pen. I slowly picked myself off the floor. "Breakfast will be severed at 8 am you need to get some rest you will need it for tomorrows activity's !" He walked away laughing in such an evil tone that left chills up and down my spine. I was just standing there when I noticed that there were a set of clothes on the bed. I walked over to the bed. I took the towel that was wrapped around and dries off a little more. I slipped the leggings and t shirt on that was lying on the bed. I pulled back the covers and crawled in the bed.My body couldn't relax because the pain I was feeling. I was feeling numb I wanted to cry but I had no more tears.I felt like I was staring at the ceiling forever when my eyes felt heavy and everything went black. The next morning I woke up with a sharp pain in the back of my head and realized I was being jerked out of bed by the hair of my head. I was thrown to the floor and kicked in the stomach. I was in total shock and could barely catch my breath when I felt a knife cutting the clothes off that I had put on.Then he put the knife to my throat and in a very cold and rugged voice " BITCH WHO SAID YOU COULD PUT THESE CLOTHES ON? I just laid there frozen with burning tears running down my hot red cheeks. "BITCH YOU BETTER ANSWER ME OR I WILL SLIT YOUR FUCKING THROAT AND LEAVE YOU HERE TO DIE! NOW I AM GOING TO ASK YOU ONE MORE TIME WHO IN THE FUCK TOLD YOU TO PUT THESE FUCKING CLOTHES ON?" I looked up at him with tears running down my face and in a calm tired voice" Newton you sick,twisted,deformed psychotic fuck go a head and kill me. I would rather die than to live here in your freakish demented pedophile world. So I am ready to meet my maker if thats what you chose to do. I am know longer scared of you even though you are the devil himself!" I looked at him and his eyes were dark with anger.He had a look of confusion on his face. I felt the knife pierce my throat. My life flashed before my eyes. The memories of my daughter and Eathan. Oh how I longed to feel his sweet loving arms around me one more time.I was pulled out of my last thoughts as I felt blood running down my neck and everything went black.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter please vote and comment.The next chapter will be Ethan POV so it will be a little shorter than the other chapters. Thank you everyone for reading my story there is so much more to come.

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