A Cold Day

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January !5th 2013...

Dear diary,

Sorry I haven't wriiten an entry in awhile. My whole world has been turned upside down. Lacey has vanished and noone can seem to find her. I was only gone into the house for a minute when I came back she was gone.Oh my god why is this happening to me and why can't anyone fine my precious Lacey. Why would someone take her? they told me this was a safe nieghborhood but they were wrong my baby is gone and I must find her or I will just die.

January 25th 2013...

Dear diary,

Its been 24 days  since my baby disappeared and there are still no leads. Why haven't they found any clues. It was day light and noone saw anything. I dont understand there were alot of people out in their yards. They Questioned everybody on our street but nothing. Its like she vanished into thin air. Oh God where is my Lacey?....

Febuary 13th 2013,

Dear diary,

Its been a little over a month and still no word. This will be my last entry until I find my little one. The Police tell me the chances of finding my Lacey alive are very slim. I have been crying for days. I can't eat,sleep or hardly breath the hurt is deep in the depths of my soul. I feel as if someone pulled my heart out of my chest. Lacey is my whole world. When I find who took my baby they will wish they were already in hell because when I get thru with them hell will seem like a vacation..

I put my diary on my night stand. I sunk down into the covers wishing I could just close my eyes without having the reaccuring nitemares that my Lacey is screaming for me. She is yelling "Mommy mommy help me mommy Im Scared," I always here her calling but I can never get to her. I wake up screaming and crying. I start to close my eyes when my phone starts ringing. I look at the alarm clock its 2am. My goodness who could be calling this late? I pick up the phone and say" Hello" the person on the other end says in a Raspy voice " Ms. Johnson this is detective Bill Newton. We think we might have found your daughter can you come to the county morgue asap to identify the body? I dropped the phone and screamed Oh god  Nooo!! It cant be my Lacey! I jumped out of bed slipped on some shoes grabbed my car keys and headed out the door. As I was driving hot tears were rolling down my face. I was picturing my poor baby lying on a cold table lifeless...I had finally reached the morgue and ran in. Detective Newton was waiting on me. " Ms. Johnson I am sorry for your loss if there is anything I can do just let me know." He had me to follow him down a hallway where there was a big glass window. I looked in and there was a man in a white lab coat standing by the body. He motioned are you ready. I knodded yes and he removed the sheet off the body and I felt the blood rush from my heart as I saw my poor lacey lying on that cold table. She was as white as a ghost. I screamed and fell to the floor. " No NO No no not my baby! I started crying after a couple of hours when I had calm down Detective Newton told me they had found her little body underneith a tree in the park. Whoever took her had placed her there today but that wasnt the worst of it. She had been raped and beaten. The cause of death was that she had been choked by someones hands. There was a handprint on her neck. I just sat speechless as he continued to tell me what he thought happed to Lacey. I felt numb inside. I vowed to find out the monster who took my Lacey's life if it was the last thing I ever done.

This is my first book ever. I may go back and change a few things. please vote and let me know if its ok so far I know the chapter is not long but chapter 2 will be much longer. Thankyou hope you like.

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