2 Years Gone By.....

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March 31st 2015,

Dear diary,

I can't believe the time that has went by since my last entry. Lacey has been gone for 2 years and they still haven't found the monster that killed my baby. I got a call today from Detective Newton he told me the case has went cold and unless a new lead came up they weren't gonna be able to do anything else. I 'm like are you freaking kidding me. Diary there is only one thing to do as I sit writting my grief is turning into anger and the only thing to do now is to find him myself. Justice will prevail and the devil that killed lacey will pay for what he has done to my family.

April 22nd 2015,

Dear diary,

I have some good news I have met someone who is gonna help me with the search for my daughters killer. His name is Eathan Long. He is a handsome man standing 6ft. muscular built bright blue eyes and sandy brown hair. I met him yesterday when I was hanging up some more missing posters of Lacey.He said he had heard about the case 2 years ago. He then ask me how was the case going and when I told him it had turned cold and that I was gonna search for the killer myself he offered to help. So today he is coming over so that we can get started.I really don't even know where to begin. Between my pain and tears I don't even know how to concentrait. I have to tell myself each day that I will find the person who done this sooner or later.Sometime it's a struggle just to get out of the bed but I can't or won't give up.

I layed my diary down on my night stand. I got up to go take a shower. I walked into the bathroom. I looked to my right and glanced over and seen a frail looking site in the mirror and realized I was looking at myself. I have really let myself go since the day my daughter went missing. I use to be beautiful. I had long flowing champain blong locks down my back and my eyes were a vibrant green. I had a body that I was actually happy with. I stand here aalmost 30 looking broken not even reconizing this person im staring at. I undress turn the shower on and step in. while washing up i think back to a time when I was happy. A time that I had a nice family.Me and Lacey had lived by ourselves for a few years. I was with her father but I caught him in our bed with his secretary. A short time after that me and her moved here to restart our life.Then a month after she turned 5 she was taken from me. I felt the hot tears start to flow down my face and that brought me back to reality. I finished washing up turnen the water off.and hopped out of the shower. I got dressed and threw my hair in a bun and picked up a book and waited for Eathan. A few hours later a knock was at the door. I went to the door and unlocked all the extra locks I had installed since My Lacey had gone missing.When I opened it there stood Eathan. He walked in as he started looking around i told him to have a seat. " I know you just got here but I am ready to get started." I have been asking around and doing research. On the day that Lacey went missing so did 4 other little girls. Lacey is the only one that they found only she was already dead.The coroner said that she had only been dead about 18hrs but why did he have to kill her? When I find that bastard he will pay and it will be slow and painful.Eathan just sat there quiet just listening and then in a deep voice he looked at me as a tear ran down his cheek and said," I Promise you Maxine Johnson we will find Lacey's killer and he will pay for all the children that went missing that day.I think we need to question the parents of the children who went missing that day to see if anything was off about their surroundings.First thing you have to do is get a good night sleep if thats possible. I will come back around 8am and we will get started. I have a friend at the police station who can get me the addresses." I looked at him tears running down my face and voice kind of horse and said," Eathan Long you are a god sent. Thankyou for helping me. I can never thankyou enough." NO need to thank me Ill see you in the morning," He walked over to me and as he was leaving he kissed me on the for head. " Sleep well Ms. Johnson." He walked out the door. I locked all the locks turned the downstair lights out and went to my room. I began getting ready for bed when my phone rang. I looked to see who was calling but it was a blocked number. I answered anyway," hello" the voice on the other end was dark and raspy," Bitch you will never get her back so you need to think about moving on or it will be your body they find in the park next." Before I had a chance to say anything the phone went dead. I set there in shock. I called Detective Newton and he told me that maybe I needed to go stay at a hotel until they could trace where the call came from.I hung up and packed a bag grabbed my keys and left. I ran to my car got in and started driving. I started thinking about that call. How did anyone know my plan. Me and Eathan were tghe only ones that knew unless the killer is staklking me . That means he was in the house when me and Eathan were talking OMG!! He could have killed me after Eathan left. How did he get out ? OMG was he hiding in the house when he called me. The more I thought about it the faster I drove. I finally seen a Cosco Inn and pulled in and rented a room. When I got to my room I called and told Eathan what happen and where I was he wanted to come stay with me but I told him I would be fine and he could wait til morning. I hung up and I started to cry. I was exausted and scared to death. I layed down and tried to get some sleep. "Goodnite my sweet Lacey mommy loves you.

I hope everyone likes this second chapter. I promise they will get longer as the story goes on. I will try to post chapter 3 tomorrow. 

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