The Search Begins

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May 15th 2015,

Dear diary, 

Its been about 3 weeks. I have not been back to my house since that horrific night I got that call and my search for Lacey is going nowhere. Me and Eathan have one more family to talk to but can not seem to find out any information on who or where they are. I am guessing they moved when they couldn't find their child. We had talked to 3 of the 5 families but none of them knew anymore than I did. I thought we had gotten a break when a nearby neighbor said that the day that the little Petterson girl came up missing he had seen a maroon van driving slow in the area. When we tried to track the van down  it tturned out to be an undercover van that the police were using on a sting operation of some sorts.Today we are gonna start going over all the information that was gathered when the girls came up missing. 

I was putting my diary away when there was a knock at the door. It was Eathan. he gave me a small hug and closed the door. " I am really getting sick of being in this room all the time." Eathan looked at me with his sexy blue eyes and said in his sexy deep voice." There is always my place. You can stay with me it would save you money and noone has to know your even there." Without even thinking about it I put my arms around his neck and gave him a tight hug and I guess we got caught up in the moment because he looked  down at me for a second andpulled me into a passionate kiss I started kissing him back and the suddenly pushed him away. Are you ok Max? I am really sorry I just got caught up in the moment. " Stop! I shouted not realizing. Just stop apologizing we have work to do we shouldn't get caught up in any more moments. I was really frazzled. Eathan took both of my hand walked me to the bed and set me down. " Listen to me Maxine Johnson both of us our stressed out. We work on this case at least 15hrs a day with very little sleep and maybe a little distraction every now and then is good. you never rest day in and day out you never stop. I want to find Lacey's killer to but you being overworked is not helping. I say lets pack your things go to my house and you rest the rest of the day." Eathan I don't have time to rest my daughters killer is out there and we have to find him before anymore little girls go missing. If you wanna rest thats fine but I will not rest until that bastard is dead!" I just sat there on the bed tears streaming out of my eyes. Eathan stood up and looked down out me." I am sorry if I made you cry. We are not giving up but do you honestly think that Lacey would want you to kill yourself trying to help her. You need your strength and all I am saying is take this one day to regain it." I looked at him for a long moment then stood up and started packing.I double checked everything to make sure i didn't leave anything behind and we left.

A hour later Eathan was turning down a dirt road. we drove about a mile and at the end of the road was a very nice 2 sory house. I looked totally shocked because why would a single man live in a large house like this by his self. "This house is beautiful Eathan! I can't believe you live here all alone." He just looked overat me an smiled. " It use to be my parents house they moved to Tennessee and let me have this place. the are getting older and decided that they needed a change. So they found a nice farm house in Tennessee and moved." A farm house! I kinda laughed. "Yes a farm house my mother grew up on a farm. She met my father in college they fell in love and moved to Cali and started their own business which has done very well. My brother took it over when they left. My dad is still CEO but he works at home and there meetings are threw VIA internet." I just sit there shocked I had no idea that his family was rich which could explain why he could take off work to help me look for Lacey.

He pulled into a garage and we got out and went inside the house. The first room we entered was the kitchen it was beautiful It had dark blue mable counter tops.with what looked like cherr oak cabinets. the floor was Italian marble and in the center was and island that looked like the kind I had only seen on the cooking shows." I was in awe when he brought me back to reality." Come on and I will show you where you will be sleeping." I follows him up some stairs that were off to the side in the kitchen.I figured it was the back way up. We got up stairs and I followed him down a hallway we stopped at a door. He opened it and I thought I was going to cry. It was beautiful.The floor had soft white plush carpet. The Bed was a California KIng with a canapy. I walked in set my things down and just kind of callapsed. Eathan caught me before I hit the floor.He picked me up and layed me on the bed.

 A few hours later I woke up. I sat up quickly in the bed and then I realized where i was. I was at Eathan and I felt safe for the very first time in a while. I got up and walked down stairs. Eathan was sitting on the couch looking thruough the information on the girls that his friend had given him. I walked over and sat down beside him. " Thankyou Eathan." " For what?" He ask in such a sweet voice." For making me breath a little. Its been so long since I have stopped for a second and realized that I won't be any good searching for a killer if I can't even function. I am letting this case consume me and I didn't relize that until you forced me to slow down. So Thankyou." Eathan looked at me with his gentle eyes and leaned over and kiss my forhead. I closed my eyes and he kissed me softly on the lips. I felt my body come alive. A feeling I haven't felt in years. I started kissing him back. He pulled me closer and the kisses became more passionate. He stopped for a moment stood up grabbed me by the hand and led me upstairs to his bedroom. We started kissing again he pulled me close where our chest were touching he had one hand on my back and the other one in my hair. My mind was telling me know but my body was yearning for this mans touch I knew we should stop but we kept going. He took my shirt and slipped it over my head. he started kissing my neck. I could feel my body ignite and it felt like I was on fire. He then unfastened my bra and let it fall to the floor. He kissed my lips and gently pulled me to the bed. I lyed down and he pulled my pants and panties off. I layed there for a moment while he took his clothes off. He climbed on top of me and started kissing my neck and caressing one of my breast. He then started licking down my neck and gently toward the other breast sucking and licking the nipple making my region moist. He the too the hand off my breast and placed it in between my legs taking a finger and entering inside of me. I started moaning and he placed his lips over mine.He removed his finger and lifted one of my legs just a litlle then i took them and wrapped them around him as he slowly put his manhood in me. He began gently then started trusting a little harder and a little faster.I grab the back of his hair as his thrust got harder my heart beat faster I was moaning with desire and just when I thought i was going to explode we both climaxed at the same time. I was breathing so hard he fell limp and layed down to the side of me. I turned over on my side with my back toward him.He put his arms around me and we fell asleep.

I hope you liked this chapter.  Please keep reading ,vote and comment. Thank all you that has read this so far.

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