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Oh my god! please tell me I am seeing things. I looked at the bracelet more carefully. Yes this was lacey's she was wearing it the day she went missing. Why does he have this? Oh God! I screamed and terror and anger filled my body. Please tell me I am dreaming the man I trusted and gave my body to he can't be. I felt the hot tears filling my eyes Eathan Long is the Monster I have been searching for he killed my precious Lacey. Eathan came running up the stairs. "Max whats wrong? I stood there frozen it was as if the devil himself was calling me. I turned around and flung my body toward him and he grabbed my arms just as i was about to grab his thoat. Shocked his beaming blue eyes turned darker. " Maxine what the hell is wrong with you? " I looked at him with my eyes burning thru his soul. YOU FUCKING PSCHO!!! YOU KILLED MY LACEY!!! I HATE YOU! YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!!! EVEN IF i HAVE TO KILL YOU MY FUCKING SELF!!. We stood there staring at each other for a few moments my body on fire with anger my greeneyes burning thru  him hotter than the pits of hell. He  was very strong  I couldn't  even move with the way he had a hold of my arms.He looked down at me and in a rather calm voice. "Maxine what happen why would you say those things about me? I would never hurt you and I sure in the hell would never hurt anyone's child." I looked at him in utter discust and I could feel the vomit rising up my throat as i looked at him. I took a deep breath and swallowed and tried not to spew all over the place.You are fucking lying and after everything that I have been through. I can't believe that I fell for a man like you. You found me at my most vunerable moment and have been playing with me my mind since that day I met you.I was wondering why a stranger would be so anxious to help a woman who he had just met find the bastard who killed  a little girl of whom he never met. I thought to my self God  mus have sent this angel to me. Never in a billiond years would I have thought that you are the bastard who did this.You made me trust you. I believed you were going to help me bring the mondter to justice And after you left that first night I started feeling a little hope again. Then later that night I recieved  that message and now I know that you are the one who sent it. You acted so shock and worried about me while you was probably laughing on the inside and I was wondering how anyone knew that i was still looking for her. I thought I was being stalked and that I need to run for my life but all of this was you. Then that day you came to my room and told me I needed to rest and relax just for a day and reasuring me that we would find her killer.When all you were doing is trying to throw me off. You knew that I was getting sick of staying in that damn hotel room 24\7 because I was to afraid someone was trying to kill me and I was to scared to go home.How covenient was that for you. When you were just waiting for me to say I was sick of the room so you could ask me to stay with you until it was safe for me to return home. I trusted you Eathan I believed you really cared. You knew I would take you up on the offer and thats why you waited patiently on me to say something and when you had the chance you went for it. You asked me to come to your house so that you could keep me close to make sure I would never find the Monster who killed my baby. When all this time he was staring me in the face. I will give it to you. You had me fooled and that night when you made love to me it seemed so real you were so gentle and loving. Damn you Eathan I was falling in love with you and now I feel is discust for you. You make my stomach turn and the thought of you ever touching me makes my skin want to crawl off the bones that they cover and looking at you makes me physically ill and makes me dout my mental compacity and wonder how I could have let myself fall for a fucking pathetic piece of shit like you.YOU ARE ONE TWISTED DEMENTED SICK FUCK. WHY EATHAN? WHY DID YOU DO IT? TELL ME DAMN YOU! ANSWER ME PLEASE WHY DID YOU HAVE TO KILL MY LACEY? She was only 5 years old and an innocent lIttle baby not out to hurt anyone.She was my life. Why did you have to take her and why did you beat and rape her? Did it make you feel  like a man?YOU SICK BASTARD WHY? He was just standing there looking at me tears running down his face and his once beaming blue eyes as pale as the sky on a cloudy day. "Maxine I swear I did not kill anyone please explain to me why you think its me?YOU ARE A COWARD. THE TEARS YOU ARE SHEDDING ARE AS FAKE AS THE SADDNESS YOU PRETEND TO FEEL. If you let go of my arms I can show you the proof I found and you didn't even hide it.  you left it on to of your dresser. He let my arms go and I slapped him across the face before I turned around and walked over to the dresser to pickp up the bracelet. When I turned back around I hel d it up and  Eathan put  his face in his hands and sjhool his head." No Maxine you have it all wrong! "No I don't Eathan this is my daughter's I got it for her on her 5th birthday and you kept it to remember her bacause your a sick fuck!" "No Maxine its not hers. Yes it is I know it is I bought it at that little trinkett store on broadway! She may have one like it but that one is not hers. I was going to wait to tell you this but I guess I need to tell you now. I had a daughter to! "  My eyes got wide and my mouth dropped open and I could feel the heat rising in my face again " No your lying! Why would you have kept this from me? "Because Maxine the day you daughter came up missing my Sadie did to. We were at the park and she was on the slide. My phone rang and I looked away for 3 or 4 minutes and when I turned back around she was gone. My Sadie was gone. I am the 4th family that you couldn't seem to locate. I didn't want to tell you because they haven't found the bodies of the other girls yet and with them finding Lacey dead I didn't know exactly how you would react so I thought It would be better to just not say anything till we had some more to go on. I know it was wrong to keep this from you and I am sorry. I just did't know how to tell you because honestly thought you weren't strong enough at the time and you would think why was your daughter found and not mine. I really thought it would cause you to break and you already seemed to be broken enough. That bracelet stays on my dresser to remind me not to give up on searching for her. I am in a much better place since I met you and I have fallen in love with you something thaty I thought would never happen again. Max you are a much stronger woman than I gave you credit for and I know that if we stick together that we can solve this case not just for the justice of Sadie and Lacey but for all the little girls who came up missing that day and why was Lacey's body the only one found? I think its someone we all know and some how we are all linked together." I just stood there the color left my face and with my mind trying to process everything he had just said to me tears started  streaming down my face again and my body started calming down from the intensity and anger that had taken it over. I looked at him the saddness had over took his body and he looked like a broken piece of a man. He didn't look like the strong hero I thought him to be less than 24hrs ago. I walked over to him and took his face in my hands. Eathan I am so so sorry but Can I see a Picture of her please?" He kind of looked at me with confusingly then he walked slowly  over to his closet and brought 2 big totes out." Here these are all the pictures that were hanging up and sitting around the house before you came. I took them down as soon as I offered to help just in case you came over here to work on the case." I took the pictures out one by one. She was such a pretty little girl and only 5 to. Eathan what happen to her mother if you don't mind me asking? She was killed in a Hit and Run when Sadie was 3 years old. Kathy was my wife and we had been married for 5 years. She bought the bracelet for Sadie the day she was killed . They never found the guy who caused her death. "Oh my Eathan I am so sorry for the loss of your wife and your daughter. " What park were you at when Sadie dissappeared? The one Lacey's body was found at."Why were you there We are like 15 miles away from Manchester? I use to live in the house a block over from you." " Really omg! The other 3 family's lived very close to. and now that I think of it all of them were single parents. "Max where is Lacey's father? I left him when Lacey was first born. I caught him in the bed with my best friend the day I came home from the hospital. He was suppose to pick me up. When he didn't show up I called my besty and she din't answer the phone so I called a cab. When we pulled up I saw her car there. I walked in and layed Lacey down in the bassinet we had set up in the living room. I heard moaning and him calling out her name Oh shit Jenny! I busted in my bedroom door and the bitch was riding him. she turned her head and seen me and jumped off him. He looked at me and then looked at her and said opps we forgot to pick her up! i looked at him then I looked at her and I said Bitch you got about 5 seconds to get your fucking clothes and get the fuck out of my house and as I started counting she grabbed her clothes and left out the door. Then I looked at him and said you are a discusting piece of shit and I am leaving you. If you try to come near me or my daughter I will have you arrested. Now I want you to grab your shit and get the fuck out of my house.You may return after I am out. He just looked at me like a deer caught in a headlight. He got up got some clothes on,tried to apologized then left. I packed up mine and lacey's things and moved in with my parents for a few months then I was searching the internet for nice safe communities near or outside of the city and thats when I found Manchester. I really didn't have to work because my grandparents left me a large sum of money when they died. I have been living off the interest. I haven't seen him since the divorce. I left him everything I just wanted my last name back. I called him when lacey disappeared all he said was that he was sorry hope she is found and thats the last I heard from him. '  'Oh my god Max I am so sorry. "I'm not he only married me because I had money and I got pregnant. He was the bad boy phase and the only good thing about the time we were together was that my little angel was born." " What about the best friend? Oh she got hers. Karma is a bitch. A year later she got married to the so called man of her dreams and caught him in his office with his assistant bent over his desk. My mother told me about it. She and Jenny's mom still keep in touch. Enough about me we have to talk to the other parents and ask them about their significant others. Your wife was hit by a vehicle what was she doing at the time? She had went for a jog after supper that night. I was gonna go but someone had to watch Sadie. It was a little after 7 when she left. I put sadie to bed and cleaned the kitchen after I was through putting the dishes away I noticed the time. It was 9 o clock. I was getting worried she had never been out more than an hour. I called a couple of my friends on the block and asked if they had seen kathy running by. None of them had. So I called the community securityto see if they would mind driving her running path. She always took the same route around the same time every evening. about a half hour later 2 policemen were knocking on my door. They told me Kathy had been in an accident and I needed to get to the hospital. I called up my nieghbor to see if they would come watch Sadie and as soon as they got there I drove to the hospital as fast as I could. When I got there I drove to the emergency exit ,parked ,and ran inside. I went up to the desk and ask to see my wife. A tall man with glasses in a white lab coat approached me. Sir I need you to come with me. I followed him down the hall and thru a set of doors which had Morgue written in huge letters on it. I said wait a minute I think you have the wrong person. I came to check on my wife. She went for a jog. She must have tripped and injured herself. He kept walking until we reached a huge window. I stood there frozen. I don't understand. You have the wrong man that can't be my wife she just went for a jog. I looked in terror as the man behind the window pulled back a sheet and there was my wife. She had blood all over her face and her clothes were torn and the flesh on her legs  looked like it was ripped off the bones. I fell to the floor to my knees and said oh god please no! Not my beautiful Kathy.Why? How? I sit there on my knees for about an hour crying and wondering why did someone take away my beautiful angel? I finally stood up and one of the police officers that came to my door walked up to me. Mr. Long we are really sorry for your loss but can we ask you a few questions? I went down to the police station with them. I wan't very much help and all they could tell me is that it seem to be a rather large vehicle that ran over her but not just once but what seem to be 2 or 3 times.I was just in complete shock because Kathy was loved by everyone. They searched and searched for her killer but no leads or witnesses. I fell apart after she died and Sadie had to stay with my parents for awhile. I was broken for about 6 months then I realized I need help. So I started seeing a therapist which helped me to cope better. Me and Sadie were reunited and things seemed to start getting better. I returned to the law firm where I was working at the time. I never stopped looking for her killer but I had to focus on Sadie so I let the case go until that dreadful day that my Sadie came up missing. I felt like my heart was ripped from my chest and my soul was pulled out by an icepick. I quit my job at the law firm and moved in with my parents. The day I heard that a lttle girl's body had been found at the park beatened and raped I prayed for it not to be Sadie and when it was't  I felt a bit of relief but a lump in my thoat as i tried to take a deep breath because I knew at that moment that my little girl might be facing the same fate as the little one that was found. Maxine that is why on the day I met you I was so anxious to help you because I am searching for the same monster as you are and together with help of the other parents we will find him. I believe he is the same person who killed my wife. I just know we are all linked together in someway. Please don't give up on me I promise I have told you everything and I promise no more secrets here on out." Eathan I forgave you as soon as I seen that sweet little angels picture. We will avenge thier deaths and they will know that they did't die in vain. I don't understand something tho. For a little over 2 years now the police haven't seem to find anything. Detective Newton said that not one of the family's seem to be connected and they have ran out of leads. I don't understand why they didn't notice this so called under cover van in all the pictures. I really think they gave up because they got tired of looking. I mean its not their children so why should they care? I maean they act concerned but when you mentioned to him about the van he brushed you off. I think they are afraid to admit that they made a lot of mistakes and thats why they want us to drop it. Had they have looked into the van and done their job correctly when all this happened they would have causght the son of a bitch who took our children. Eathan we are not gonna stop. I won't rest til I find the bastard or I am dead. whichever comes first. I will search until i am laying face up in a coffin and buried 6ft. under because a mother's love never dies.

Thankyou everyone who has read A Mother's Tale. I will try to write the next chapter in the next few days. This is the very first book I have written that I really feel the readers will enjoy. I know it has a lot of errors which I will correct at a later time when I write a final draft. I hope all of you that have read this far in the book will continue reading it.. Any suggestions or constructive criticism is certainly welcomed and appreciated. Thanks again for all of you that have read this book and have a Blessed Weekend.

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