27. A Long Day

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Chapter 27: A Long Day

A Week Later

*~~Chase's POV~~*

I've been trying to set up plans for Alice's upcoming birthday. I want it to be special. A birthday to remember.

I've managed to get all the staff members at Darling Chainz to help out. We're holding a surprise party here.

I was serving a table when someone tapped my shoulder.

My eyes widened as I recognized her. She was the lady from the other night months ago...the one who I nearly had sex with to forget Alice's rejection.

"Karen." I whispered.

She gave me a sad smile, "It's nice that you remember my name, Chase. Can I talk to you?"

I gave her a cautious nod and told Gabe that I'm taking my break early. He glanced at Karen and stared at me sternly, before nodding off.

Karen led me out the restaurant, somewhere more private.

She took out a cigarette to light it up.

Before the cigarette was lit up, I quickly said, "I'm in a relationship."

Karen nearly coughed and I patted her back, mumbling an apology for startling her.

Karen then laughed, "I know, don't worry I don't want a relationship...not with you at least."

I frowned, offended, "I never cheated on Alice."

Karen laughed once more and held up her hand, "I didn't mean that, I apologize if I've insulted you. I meant that my heart belongs to another."

I scratched the back of my neck, "The man who was on your mind when we..."

"Yeah, the man I was trying to forget by getting into your pants." Karen stated bluntly, taking a drag. She sighed, "He works in there too."

I frowned, wondering who.

"It was a year ago when we were in a happy relationship. But it came to an end over a very bad argument. It was stupid too, now that I think about it. Could've been avoided. I came here in hopes to see him again and talk to him, but he's not in right now. And I texted him saying I wanted to see him again, last night, and even told him I'd come here. I just...I just want to cry that he'd avoid me like that."

I took the cigarette from her fingers and put it out, as I watched tears sliding down her face. Then I wiped her tears away with a tissue from my back pocket.

She rubbed her face, "I'm sorry for bothering you while you were working. I just needed some comforting and you were the only one who was there ad nearby."

I shook my head, telling her that it was all right. I gave her an awkward hug, hoping to soothe her crying.

"I might be carrying his child."

My eyes widened in shock, "How long have you known?"

"I'm not exactly sure, but...we saw each other again a few weeks ago and we were both drunk so, one thing led to another. I was happy that night. But he left in the morning. Typical of him. I should've known that he hates me so much. He only had sex with me cause he was drunk, not cause he loves me."

I watched as fresh tears slid from her eyes. I held her and patted her back, as she sobbed in my arms. I can't stand when women cry, it leaves me so helpless. If Alice ever cried...

"Get your f**king hands off her!"

I felt a blow to my jaw and stumbled onto the ground. Karen fell into Sam's arms. He kissed her hard and fast, her hands clenched his shirt.

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