7. Cancelled Plans

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A/N: I am aware of the fact that this some parts of this story seem fake, but it's a total work of fiction. Yeah there are no lockers in college, but this story is fiction, fiction. Yeah I'm straying away from reality, my mind is crazy like that. The bar-restaurant thing doesn't make sense does it? But it could become real, so just in case you think this story is a fake, it actually is. Heh, thank you for reading this book btw^^ If you need any clarification, comment or private message me, I don't mind^^

Chapter 7: Cancelled Plans

*~~Chase's POV~~*

It's been like a week since I've been working in Darling Chainz, and I still like the job. Sure it can be tiring, but it's very fun. The last place I worked, the workers were always complaining, but every worker in Darling Chainz never complain. This week Darling Chainz is closed due to heavy rain, what a shame. They should close college, instead.

I let out a sigh, I should get up and go to college. It's Wednesday, and the rain seemed to be less harsh than yesterday's rain. I glance at the clock to see it's 8:41, yeah, I'll get up.

When I entered the kitchen, I saw Alice staring out her kitchen window.

"The rain looks nice, doesn't it?" Alice asked me as she continued staring out the window. She opened the window and put her hand out.

I sat down the kitchen table and took a slice of toast that Alice made. Before taking a bite I answered, "I guess, I'm not really a rain fan as you are. Did you eat?" This whole week, the rain seemed to captivate Alice.

Still not looking at my direction, she replied, "Hnnn, I see. Yes, I ate. The rain is very lovely. I think I'll walk to college."

I nearly choked on my orange juice, "What?! No! Woman, if you wanted to walk to college, you should've woken up earlier. You'll be late if you start walking now."

Alice finally turned to smile at me, "I guess, but the professors aren't saying much about those who are coming late into class or the ones who are missing classes. They are more sympathetic from the last college I attended."

I stood up to wash my hands, "Yeah, yeah. Still, a goody two shoes like you shouldn't be missing classes just to enjoy the rain. You'll get sick, too. See, karma's backing me up on this one."

This time Alice leaned her head out the window, "Yeah, but you'll take care of me." She brought her head inside, "Won't you?"

I shook my head, chuckling at her. I grabbed Alice by her waist and threw her over my shoulder, "Come on darling chainz, let's go to our classes."

In the car, Alice and I chatted about random things, like we usually do. Our friendship grew, we no longer fight anymore and I have better control now. I mean hell yeah, I'm still attracted to the vixen, but I want the roof over my head and the fun woman who lives in it.

"So what are you going to do today?"

I shrugged as I drove, "I think I'll go visit Conner or something." I meant 'something' as in get laid, but Alice doesn't need to know about my sex life, pretty sure she doesn't want to know. "What about you?"

"I think I'll watch some movies with Sam. It's been a long time since Sam and I had our last movie night. Since Darling Chainz is closed and college having a break the rest of this week and the following week, it's a good opportunity."

I was confused, a break from college? When did this happen? "We're having a break?"

"Well yeah. They're closing college due to the heavy rain and fall break."

I grinned, "Sweet. Thanks for telling me, I didn't hear of this good news."

She laughed and said 'you're welcome.'

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