15. Strong

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Chapter 15: Strong


*~~Alice's POV~~*

Ok, now, just one more problem. Just one more problem then I'll be done...one more...I can do this. Nooo brain, don't shut down on me, you can do this!

Oh wait, this is the bonus problem. Yay I can put whatever down and get points for it.

Clicking my pen, I am now finished with my homework and a big, happy smile finds its way on my lips. I stretch a bit and fall from my chair, landing on the floor.

Moaning, I roll around; it feels so comfy. My hand almost cramped up with all those assignments. I don't want to see another page of homework ever again.

I get up, knowing that I will have to face homework again on Monday...but at least tomorrow I have the day homework-free.

I walk into the living room stretching my arms, "I finished all my homework~!"

"Put your arms down, I can see your undies. They are very sexy and too tempting."

I laughed and made my way to the kitchen, where Chase is observing a can of soup and a can of tuna.

I frowned, "Why aren't you finishing up on all your assignments?"

Chase grinned, "That, my dear Darling Chainz, is due to the fact that I've already completed them all...three hours ago. You are quite slow, you know."

I gaped at him, "You're lying."

Chase shook his head, "I started early."

I sat near him and took a bite out of an apple, "I did too..."

"I'm telling you, you are slow."

"I am not."

"Yes you are. Also we need to go grocery shopping. Unless you want tuna and soup for dinner. What time is it now?"

I glanced at the time and answered, "4:45." I moved away and checked the fridge to see nothing...nada...

I sheepishly smiled at Chase, "Go get the car ready, please."

Chase left with a smirk, not before taking a bite out of my apple.


Chase was holding the shopping cart, as it is his turn. I left him in charge of getting what we need, while I hopped around looking for other goods.

My eyes caught mini caramel candy apples, and my mouth nearly watered at the sight. They also looked cute in the little wrappings and all.

I ran to Chase, took the cart from him, and piled up on mini caramel candy apples.

"Nuh uh, you're not going to eat so much of this junk." Chase admonished me like a little child.

I pouted, if he wants to treat me like a child, then a child I shall be. "But they're mini caramel candy apples."

"No," Chase said, stealing the shopping cart from me. "If you're going to get mini caramel candy apples, get the ones with nuts." 

I let out a laugh as I saw Chase piling up the shopping cart with mini caramel candy apples.

Chase let out a whistle, "I think this is good enough. We have everything on our grocery list right?"

We checked items off as we walked to the check-out line.

I skim over the list and our cart once more before giving Chase a nod. 


Both Chase and I put the groceries in the places they belong. As I place a raspberry box in the fridge, I ask, "Who's making dinner?"

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