33. The Clinging Doll

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Chapter 33: The Clinging Doll

A/N: I'm going to try something new for me, which is writing in third point of view. It would extremely kind of any of you to tell me if I'm doing all right or bad. Thank you and enjoy!

"I can't do this anymore." Chase states out of nowhere.

Alice frowned, "What do you mean?"

"Yesterday might have been a slip-up, but what if you truly cheat on me someday? What if you already have and I don't know it? I can't deal with that." Chase paused before looking at Alice straight in the eyes.

"I'm leaving you. Goodbye Alice." And with a thud of Chase's promise ring that fell, he left.

Alice woke up, shivering. She stared at her sleeping brother and tried to control her breathing.

Flashes of her dream swirl in her mind.

She started sobbing as horrid thoughts entered her mind.

What if the dream is real?

What if that truly happens?

What if the dream means something?

Jace stirred from his slumber, wondering what has awoken him. He instantly sat up as he spots his baby sister rocking back and forth with her arms around her knees, which are pressed up to her chest.

Jace strokes Alice's back, "Baby girl, what's wrong?"

"Chase, I-I need Chase. He's going to leave me." With that, a new batch of tears slid down Alice's cheeks.

Jace got off the bed, knowing what he needs to do. He's never seen his sister cry like this and is shocked. Alice is a strong girl, hardly much of a crybaby.

Chase got off his bed as he heard knocking. Who the hell is waking him up at four in the morning.

He opened the door to come in direct contact with Jace.

"My baby sister needs you."

Chase didn't have to hear more before he took off. When he stumbled upon a sobbing Alice, he almost broke down.

He slid his arms around her small frame, "Darling, what's wrong?"

Alice turned to Chase, crying into his chest and wrapping her arms around his neck, "Please don't, don't leave me."

Chase held her tightly, "I'll never leave you."

With that Alice's sobbing slowly came to an end. Chase watched her sleep a few minutes before moving away.

A hand gripped him, "Don't leave me," Alice whispered in her sleep.

Chase didn't know what to do. But Jace did.

"Sleep with her, I'll sleep in the other room."

Chase gave Jace a nod before cuddling up to a sleeping Alice.


Alice didn't seem to improve in the morning. She hardly let go of Chase's hand. In fact, she sat on Chase's lap as he fed her breakfast.

"What about college?" Jace asked.

"Well it's a good thing that we only have one class today, where we sit together." Chase responded. Alice hardly spoke this morning either, but her crying has ceased.

Jace gave a reluctant nod, realizing that he needs to accept the relationship. After all, Chase takes great care of his baby sister...even though he leaves love bites on her.

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