26. The Aftermath

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Chapter 26: The Aftermath

*~~Chase's POV~~*

I was greeted with the sight of Alice's sleeping form clinging to my body when I woke up. A smile splayed on my face at the sight of her and as memories of last night rushed in. I saw her twitch her nose and moved a stray hair from her face. She let out a small sigh and snuggled closer to me.

I kissed her cheek and laid there with my arm around my sleeping beauty.

I was so lost in my thoughts that it wasn't until a minute later before I felt small kisses being placed on my neck.

"Ah sleeping beauty is awake."

Alice chuckled at my comment, "Good morning to you too."

I kissed her good morning and asked her if she was okay.

Alice bit her lip then nodded, "Surprisingly, I'm okay. Huh, thought I'd be sore all over. After all, you woke me up twice for an encore."

I grinned widely, I'm not ashamed. I kept waking up, restless, with a need to take her again and again.

"You loved it." I said, tapping her nose. Alice moaned as she stretched a bit, "Sure did."

"When do we have shifts?"

Alice stared at the clock, which read 8:30. "Another two hours or so, we always open a bit later after the night of the event. We're humans, not robots, we need rest."

I hummed and enjoyed the silence between us. Playing with hair I asked, "Do you give everyone lap dances, my Darling Chainz?"

Alice tapped my nose, "No, this woman's lap dances are exclusively for her boyfriend, Chase." We both laughed at that and she continued, "Don't worry, you're the first person who has ever received a lap dance from me. Hmmm, rate it."

"Gave me a rock hard boner. Screw it, just from remembering how close your body was moving against me has me rising." I grinned as Alice blushed at my words. Alice pressed a finger to my lips and told me to shush.

I bit her finger and asked about the condoms.

"Oh that...yeah Sam put them there. He was like better be safe than sorry. He claims it to be my early birthday gift."

I frowned, "Your birthday passed? And you didn't tell me?"

Alice grinned, "Someone is full of questions this morning. Nah, my birthday is next month."

I hummed thinking of things I should do for her birthday. I made a mental note to talk to Jack and Sam about it.

Grinning, I pinned her hands against the bed and hovered over her, "Want to take a shower together?"

Alice frowned, "That look in your eyes tells me we're not only taking a shower."

"Shower sex is amazing, trust me."

Alice rolled her eyes and I got off the bed. I held a hand out to her, she held on to it, but nearly fell off the bed.

"My knees!" Alice exclaimed, "They just gave out."

"Oh honey," I smirked, "You're sore as hell."

Alice panicked, "I feel it now. My body's aching. Chase!"

I laughed and lifted her on the bed. "Maybe we'll have shower sex tomorrow. We'll take a hot, warm bathe. It'll help."

Alice dug her face into her pillow and gave a muffled reply. Chuckling, I filled up the bath tub. Once the water seemed hot enough, I turned my back to watch Alice. She was pouting at me. I couldn't help but laugh.

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