19. The Chaos At Work

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  • Dedicated to the dress trololol

Chapter 19: The Chaos At Work

3 days later

*~~Chase's POV~~*

I closed the fridge in frustration. I was sure there was one last can of beer. 

"Alice!" I called from the kitchen. 

"Yeah?" I heard her call back.

"Where's the beer?"

"I don't know."

I sighed, giving up. I think I saw some vodka somewhere...but vodka...in the afternoon? Screw it, vodka would have to do.

I grabbed the bottle of vodka and walked to the living room.

I found Alice, laying on the sofa wearing my flannel and drinking my beer. "The hell, Alice. That was my last beer." 

"Finders, keepers." She grinned.

 I sat down and grumbled, "You steal my favorite flannel and my last beer."

"And I enjoyed it." Alice said stretching her hand to take a sip of my vodka. I held it above my head, "Oh no, you're not stealing my vodka."

Alice laughed and laid on my chest, "We should get going, the guys are most likely setting up another day for the club right now."

"Remind me why you and the twins decided to open Darling Chainz late today?"

"Because it's nice to sleep-in and not worry about work for once. Don't look at me like that, we plan a day like this every six months."

"How wonderful." 


Alice barely set a foot into the club-restaurant and immediately, the workers ambushed her.

"Alice, the dress is white and gold right?" Gray asked looking desperate, his hair was very messy as Melissa was tugging on his hair.

"No, you idiot, the dress is black and blue! Alice, you tell him. The fool believes anything that you say." Melissa let go of Gray's hair and crossed her arms against her chest.

Maria smacked Gray's back, "Alice, you should fire this blind fool. He's useless anyway."

Gray rubbed his back, "That's not true, I'm very helpful around here."

Gabe walked near them, wiping his hands, "What dress?"

Gavin, a new bartender walked past them holding a wine bottle, "Fools."

Alice and I finally closed the doors behind us, but really couldn't walk anywhere else with all the employees in front of us.

Jack strod past them holding a tray, "Doesn't really matter what color that dress is, greetings Alice and Chase."

Sam walked right in front of us, "Fools, all of you. You should be setting the club-restaurant."

Alice finally spoke, "What dress?"

The crew gasped, Melissa spoke, "Oh my poor honey! Here I'll show you." She stuck her hand down her shirt and took her phone out...how nice...

She then showed a picture of an ugly dress to Alice, "It's black and blue right?"

"Looks white and gold to me." Gabe said from the side. Melissa and Maria turned around and glared at him, his eyes widened in fear before making eye contact with me. I gave him a sympathetic smile before he walked away in fear.

"Hah I have Gabe on my side." Gray shouted.

"Looks black and blue to me." Alice said. Gray gasped and dramatically fainted.

"How about you, Chase?" Melissa held her phone to me. I observed it...is this supposed to be a trick question. "Black and blue," I answered.

Then the crew started arguing. Sam polished a glass from the bar, "Someone should call Chris and the other security guards."

"Hey, hey...guys..." Alice started.

I laughed inside as none of the workers listened to her.

Alice looked at the ground with a frown, "It doesn't even matter."

The bickering still went on and I tried hard to keep myself from laughing.

Jack shouted, "All righty everyone, we're going to open the doors so go to your station."

*~~Alice's POV~~*

All the customers could tell that there's some tension between the workers today. Good thing the majority of the workers aren't pissed off, they either don't care or put on their best professional facade on.

Just then Hannah, one of our regular customers walked in. Hannah is a 50-year-old manager of a certain fashion company. Even though her husband bought it for her, I'd say she deserves it. She's really hard-working and is in love with the company. Her employees love her, so do I, she's like a mother to me. Hannah immediately scowled. "What's this tension in the air?"

I smiled at Hannah and led her to the table she likes to claim, "Forgive the workers, they're debating whether a certain dress is black and blue or white and gold."

Hannah let out a great laugh and took a seat, "Oh you youngsters. Fighting over a dress color? Let me see it."

Melissa immediately came and showed the dress to Hannah. Hannah frowned, "It's black and blue, no?"

Melissa grinned at her, "And that's why you're my favorite old lady." Hannah winked at her and Melissa went off to get Hannah her usual.

Gray on the other hand sulked and it seems that all the customers started chatting...about the dress...


It was closing time and the tension between the workers was still there. This is ridiculous!

"Blind arse." Maria said, sticking her tongue at Gray.

Gray gasped and flicker her off.

"Hey now..." Jack said, trying to settle them down.

Sam laughed from the chair he was sitting on.

I lightly smacked him with a broom, "You're encouraging them."

I went on sweeping the floors and heard Sam mutter, "From laughing?"

The bickering went on and I heard Gavin sigh. I smiled at him, "You know, you can go home." He pushed his glasses up, "Yeah, but, I don't want to."

I smiled, he may seem aloof but he cares.

That's it, they're all a bunch of kindergartners. 

I glanced at Chase, "Don't you have a whistle on your key chain?"

He nodded and gave it to me. I wanted to glare at him, he was trying not to laugh, but still.

The bickering calmed down when I blew the whistle. "Hey, hey," I started, "Calm down, don't let this tear us apart. You're all acting childish, especially if you guys are going to let this get to you."

Melissa and Maria looked up and stopped bullying poor Gray. Melissa and Maria dropped Gray, "Oh honey, we might annoy each other and fight, but we're still family." The other workers agreed and stopped bickering.

Melissa and Maria both kissed Gray's cheeks to prove their point. The other workers left to finish setting up.

Gray whispered, "Liars, they just don't want to be reported."

Chase and I laughed, I'm pretty sure his cheeks were red.


I apologize, it's not really a chapter on Chase and Alice but...I really wanted to write this so jeah... Also, I'm not saying you're an idiot if you think the dress is white and gold or blue and black. I don't really care what color it is and if this chapter offends you in any way, I apologize. It was not my intention to make you feel bad or anything. Also, if you don't know what 'the dress' is, there's a picture on the side. Well I hope you have a nice day/afternoon/evening/night.^^

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