30. Overprotective Much

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Chapter 30: Overprotective Much

*~~Chase's POV~~*

My eyelids flew open as I woke up from my slumber.

I got up and started grumbling as the reason why I'm sleeping alone is due to yesterday's visitor.

I scowled as I remembered the last bits of yesterday night.

-Commence le Flashback-

As the male entity walked inside the doors, wishing my Alice, she gasped, "Jace." before running up to hug her older brother.

He chuckled as he caught my Alice, "My sweet baby sister, how are you?"

"I'm great," Alice responded with a huge grin. I stood by her side and she grasped my hand, "Jace, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend Chase Ravens. Chase, this is my older brother, Jason Charles Chainz."

We both shook hands, and I managed not to cringe as the older man tightened his grip on my hand.

However, Alice noticed and frowned at her brother.

"Now, now, Jace, be nice." Sam warned, smiling as he held his girlfriend in his arms.

"It's all right," I started, holding Alice's hand. "If I had a younger sister, I would have done the same." I even gave him a sweet fake smile.

Jace huffed at my words before smiling at the little crowd that's gathered around us, "I've decided to marry my fiancée here, with my beloved sister attending."

I watched as Alice gleefully smiled at the thought of seeing her brother getting married.

"So I'll be staying here for a month and a week." Jace turned to Alice, "I was hoping I could crash with my baby sister and spend some time with her."

Alice enthusiastically nodded, "Of course you can. Chase and I don't mind, right Chase?" I truly didn't want to say yes, but knew I had to, thus I gave her a reluctant nod.

Jace frowned, "You two are living together?" I had to keep myself from laughing at the disgust in his face.

"I'm old enough to make my own decisions." Alice stated, holding my hand tighter, as to assure herself that I won't leave.

Jace huffed, "It's your birthday and I haven't seen you for so long. I won't argue with you, thus I'll live with you under your conditions...even if I don't want to."

Jace and I shared an intense stare down. the tension between us was crackling. Alice was the one that turned us away from each other.

But that wasn't even hell, no that was the beginning for me.

Later on that night when we went home was the true beginning of hell.

As Jace started unpacking in Alice's room, he smiled at Alice, "I was hoping we could sleep together like we used to."

I felt something shatter within me. I'm the only male who can sleep with Alice...he's messing with the system! And not just any system, the sleeping system.

Alice gave me a pleading look. As if trying to say, 'Please, it's only for a month and a week.' Of course, I sighed and gave in. I bid Alice a goodnight and kissed her forehead before walking to my room.

Where sleep took its sweet time to dawn upon me.

-End of Flashback-

I dried my hair with a towel before heading to the kitchen to make breakfast. After putting on decent clothes, I walked out of my bedroom.

Darling ChainzTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon