Chapter 14

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After the won Winter Cup, Y/n send his parents the picture of him and Akashi holding the cup together. Kotarou was the one to take this picture. Then they handed the cup to the coach and celebrated the win in the nearest burger restaurant. The atmosphere was completely different ever since the old Akashi came back. The first thing he did after walking off the court was pulling Y/n away for some privacy and apologized to him once more for all his behavior towards him, ever since Y/n came back to Japan. Now they were there, eating, laughing and joking.

-Y/n, here are the numbers to Midorima and Kise. - said Akashi. - Play with them anytime you want.

-Thank you. - Y/n nodded and took the piece of paper from him. - No stopping me?

-You won't listen anyway. - Akashi answered.

-Thanks. - chuckled Y/n. - But don't worry guys – he moved his attention to the rest of the team. - I won't forget to play with you too.

-How thoughtful of you. - answered Kotarou. - You won't forget to destroy us.

-Of course, I care for my friends. -Y/n grinned, making the three Kings groan and chuckle.

They stayed there for few hours, then it was the time to get back home. They got in the train and said their goodbyes every time someone got off on their stop. Y/n walked to his house for a bit, then unlocked the door. He made his way inside. Y/n grabbed clean clothes and went to the bathroom for a shower. He was tired. Tired, but happy.

Time skip

Y/n woke up in great mood. He opened his eyes and grabbed his phone, to check the time. He smiled as he saw the message from his dad and mom, congratulating him and saying or proud they were of him. The texted them back and got up from bed. He went to the kitchen and opened the fridge to prepare breakfast. He decided to get back to what he used to eat when he was in America. Ironically, he was staying away from burgers and fast-food there, but Aomine and Nebuya were to blame for his bad habits.

He was eating his breakfast when he got a text from Akashi. He wanted to meet up later during the day. Y/n answered to him that Seijurou didn't have to ask, he was always down to hang out with him. Akashi didn't respond, in fact Y/n didn't expect him to. Little did he know that Akashi was once more confused, as he felt something warm in his chest.

After breakfast he used the time he had to clean around his house. There wasn't much to clean, as he was washing the dishes right away after eating every day. All he had to do was dusting the furniture and mopping the floor. After that done, Y/n changed into some better clothes, grabbed his phone, keys and wallet and left the house.

They met up in the café near Y/n's house. It was kind of the default meeting spot for them at this point. Akashi was already there, waiting for him. Y/n walked up to him and sat down at the table.

-Hey. - he said. - Are you waiting for long?

-I just got here. - Akashi shook his head.

Y/n made his order. It arrived soon with Akashi's coffee. They waited until the waiter walked away before they started talking.

-How did your parents react to the picture? - asked Akashi.

-They are happy, I'm pretty sure the whole family knows about it by now. - Y/n smiled. Did your father at least gave you a praise?

-No. - Seijurou shook his head. - He just told me to continue my work.

-Someday I will punch him. - said Y/n, earning a smile from Akashi.

-Thank you. - he answered. - Though I consider it a little too rough.

-Sometimes rough is the best way. - Y/n smirked.

-I'm not talking with you about your preferences. - answered Akashi.

They had a chuckle about it until Akashi's phone pinged. He typed an answer and moved his attention back to Y/n.

-Kise and Aomine will join us soon. -he said.

-I'm gonna play against them both at the same time. - Y/n's eyes were shining.

-Really? - asked Akashi. - No place for me?

-The place for the Emperor would be the throne, from which he will watch his Dragon devour his victims. - Y/n said smirking.

-I never thought I will have a pet dragon. - teased Seijurou.

Once Kise and Aomine arrived, they saw Y/n and Akashi laughing at the jokes and teasing. As they approached, Y/n wiped the tears off his eyes, still laughing. Akashi introduced Y/n and Kise to each other. Then they went to the court in the park and started to play basketball.  

The Emperor and his Dragon (Akashi Seijurou x SMR)Where stories live. Discover now