Chapter 5

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Y/n was pretty bold man, if he wanted to be. Who could provide better information about Aomine's whereabouts, than his classmates or teammates? With that in mind, Y/n skipped a day in school, just to pay a visit to Tōō Academy. He was sure he will get a call about it, but he didn't care. His goals and plans were more important. He stepped through the gate and walked up to the first person that caught his attention – captain Wakamatsu Kosuke.

-Good morning Wakamatsu-senpai. - he said, smiling.

-You're the guy we played against last week. - answered Wakamatsu. - L/n, right?

-That's correct. - Y/n confirmed, pleased that he remembered his name.

-What brings you here? - Wakamatsu asked.

-I'm looking for Aomine. - said Y/n. -I heard he's good in basketball and I wanted to pay against him.

-Understandable. - chuckled Wakamatsu.- Guys like you and him always look for a challenge. You got to the right address. I don't know where he is, because he skips the practices and classes all the time, but I can give you his number.

-That would be wonderful. - Y/n gave him a bright smile.

-Promise me one thing and it's yours. -said Wakamatsu.

-Anything. - Y/n nodded.

-Whoop his ass for me. - Wakamatsu smirked. He expected that Aomine would start attending practices, if he lost to Y/n. It was a perfect solution to his problem with the former member of the Generation of Miracles.

-I promise. - Y/n's eyes were shining.

Wakamatsu was pleased with Y/n's answer. He told him Daiki's phone number and even texted Aomine that he should expect a contact from Rakuzan player named Y/n L/n. Y/n thanked Wakamatsu and turned around to go back to his business.

-He's different from other Rakuzan players. - Wakamatsu said to himself, while watching Y/n leave.

Back with Y/n though, he got a call from some obnoxious redhead. He sighed and wondered, if he should pickup. He didn't want to, but at the same time he knew Akashi won't stop calling, unless he answers. He also expected to receive a call from him. With a heavy sigh Y/n tapped a green button on the screen of his phone.

-Yes. - was all he said.

-Where are you? - Akashi asked harshly.- You will get expelled from the team, if you marks drop below average.

-I don't think my grades will drop because of skipping one day. - Y/n rolled his eyes.

-Stop talking back to me and get to school. - Akashi growled. - Don't forget I'm watching you.

-Make me. - he said and hung up on him.

It become his regular phone call ending, whenever it was Akashi he spoke to. Being in Japan would be great, if he wouldn't have to deal with the redhead. It's ironic for him to think that, considering that it was Akashi he wanted to comeback to Japan for.

Since Y/n already had his phone in his hand, he decided to make a good use out of it. He texted Aomine, before he called him few seconds later. Aomine picked up, he heard about Y/n even before Wakamatsu texted him. He was also planning on finding that ace of Rakuzan. Y/n smiled hearing Aomine's voice.

-Hey, I'm Y/n. - he said. - I heard you're good with basketball.

-I'm unbeatable. - answered Aomine.

-Why didn't you play against Rakuzan then? - asked Y/n.

-If Akashi wasn't playing, I though it would be too easy. - answered Aomine. - But then I heard about you and regretted my choice. Akashi refused to give me your number.

-At least one of our captains is thinking. - chuckled Y/n. - Meet me on Friday, I'll send you the location and we will play one on one. - Y/n offered. - What do you say?

-See you there. - Aomine gave him a short reply, before they hung up.

-Wonderful. - Y/n grinned as he texted which basketball court he wanted to play at. Aomine replied with a short 'k'. Y/n put his phone back in his pocket and took a deep breath. He finally had his challenge and he couldn't wait for Friday afternoon.   

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