A Camp Camp Christmas Or Whatever

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Soft angelic singing can be heard as a single snowflake finds its way to Camp Campbell. The snowflake landed in front of Max.

"What the FUCK?" Max questioned.

The camp was covered in snow.

"I don't believe it." Max said as he and Neil stared out a window. Neil wearing a sweater version of his normal shirt.

"Kids! Get over here!" Gwen requested. The kids circled up around their counselors, all wearing winter attire.

"What in hell's going on out there?" Neil asked. "Snow in the middle of summer?"

"I may still be working on my masters in meteorology..." Gwen questioned as Max cut her off.


"But, I'm pretty sure we can chalk this one up to climate change." She continued after shooting Max a dirty look.

"Don't worry, gang!" David exclaimed. "We'll all get through this weather together! Wait, where's Nikki?" A clatter of noise sounded as Nurf pointed toward it.

"Look!" He exclaimed. "Something's coming down the chimney that's always been there!" Bits of black dust started to emanate from the chimney that's always been there. Followed by a black dust cloud exploding from within, revealed Nikki.

"It's a miracle!" She exclaimed. "I'm just so excited, everybody! It's just like the happiest, snowiest, most magical holiday of the year." She jumped up excitedly. "Parent's Day!"

"You mean Christmas?" Gwen asked.

"Oh, right." Nikki said. "Sorry, I don't know why I always mix those two up."

"It's not Christmas, Nikki." Max said, rolling his eyes. "It's just nature trying to kill us all before we kill it first."

"But, can't we just PRETEND?" Nikki asked. "Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, PLEEEASE?!"

"PLEASE DAVID!!" Salem yelled, gripping him by the bandanna. "Don't ruin this chance for me to experience an actual American Christmas!!"

"Daniel doesn't celebrate Christmas with you?" David questioned.

"Oh, he does." Salem answered, more calm. "I just want to experience what others do since I grew up in Saudi Arabia."

"Oh yeah." Max said. "Isn't Christmas outlawed there or some shit?"

"Well, in the past, all non-Islamic celebrations in public were banned as the country's official Wahhabi religious ideology regards it as a form of blasphemy." Salem explained.

"Sorry, kids, but this weather's going to put a lot of stress-" before he could finish what he was saying, Nikki jumped on top of him and grabbed him by the bandanna, surprising David.

"But I LOVE Christmas, David!" Nikki insisted. "We can sing songs, and play games, and have so much FUN!" As the word 'FUN' echoed into the distance, David became ecstatic at the thought of it.

"Fun?! Without me even having to ask you?!" David asked with childlike wonder.

"Okay!" Gwen interrupted. "Hold on." She took Nikki off of David and gently put her down. "David, we have a lot of work to do."

"I couldn't agree more, Gwen." David said. "Quick! What's everyone's favorite Christmas tradition?"

"No, that's not-" Gwen got interrupted as Neil and Max joined in on the conversation.

Camp Camp OC insert (Harrison x OC x Preston)Where stories live. Discover now