Reigny Day

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Three men in robes trail behind David as they walked through the Mess Hall.

"We're so happy to have you here today!" David exclaimed. "It's such an honor to have the Camp Critic Committee visit us again. You know, after last year's incident. Which I really want to apologize for that again, and if you were wondering, yes, the camper did survive, physically speaking."

"But, a lot has changed since then!" David said. "And I think that this year you will see that I am truly, without a doubt, the prime candidate for the 'Camp Counselor of the Year Award'!" The men scribbled on their clipboards. 

"Right, well we've got a big day of outdoor activities planned, but as you know the most important start of any day is a balanced breakfast!" David said as Space Kid finished drinking syrup, and put on his syrup filled helmet. "Yep, we run a tight ship around here, but we also encourage freedom of expression."

"Uh, David?" Gwen asked.

"Not now!" David whispered to Gwen before turning back the Camp Critic Committee. "Heh, sorry, this is one of our other counselors. She's got nothing to report, as always, because our camp is really great, as always. Have I mentioned how great our camp is?"

"David!" Gwen said more insistently.

"HAVE I MENTIONED HOW GREAT OUR CAMP IS?" David repeated through gritted teeth. "Now, we always make sure our daily activities test the bodies and minds of all of our campers, and today is no exception. Behold!" He showed off an obstacle course that was set up outside.

"Look, David-" Gwen said only to get cut off by David.

"WHAT, Gwen!" David yelled. "I have gone through a lot of planning and preparation to make this day happen. What could you possibly tell me that I don't already know?" Gwen angrily pointed outside where it got darker with rain clouds. It started pelting rain, as well as cats and dogs.

"It's about to rain." Gwen said as she flipped him off and walked away.

"...nooo..." David said sadly, looking outside.

'Okay, what am I going to do? Think, think...' David ordered in his head.

"Yes, rain. Any camp's worst nightmare, but not here. You see, the plan all along was to make, uh..." David nervously said to the Camp Critic committee.

'Okay, think David, think! You can't have a repeat of last year.' David's head said again. 'Poor, poor Chuckie. I hope his family got the flowers. I should send them an email. But not now! Now I have to focus. What's an outside-of-the-box idea that's guaranteed not to go wrong?'  He looked around at the campers and stopped on Dolph. 'Aha!' 

"...was to make young Dolph here the counselor for the day! Isn't that right, Dolph?" David verbally continued.

"Who, me? Really?" Dolph asked.

"...yeppers!" David exclaimed. "I've always said, 'what better way to learn than to teach'? Dolph loves arts and crafts, and I'm sure he'll love teaching his fellow campers how to love them too."

"Thank you, Mr. David." Dolph thanked. "Under my rule, I VILL MAKE CAMP CAMPBELL GREAT AGAIN!"

'This is probably fine.' David thought with a nervous smile. The committee members scribbled on their clipboards.

"...uhhehehehe..." David laughed nervously.

"Come now my friends, let us express ourselves through the glory of MACARONI ART!" Dolph exclaimed while everyone glued dry macaroni to construction paper.

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